Chapter 7

698 19 16

Aurelio POV

I'm fucking idiot.

I can't believe I agreed to let her come with me even after knowing all the risks.More so why I even agreed to let that fucker come with us.

"Youuuu belonnngggg wiiitthhh mee."

These two are screaming their throat out for the past 15 minutes.

How I am not deaf yet is surprising?

Thank goodness the window is tinted. Otherwise people would have thought two mentals had ran from asylum.

"She wears high heels

I wear sneakers

She's Cheer Captain, and I'm on the bleachers

Dreaming about the day when you wake up and find

That what you're looking for has been here the whole time."

This fucker is spoiling my sister.

*Deep breaths.*

Just 2 more fucking minutes.

"Can't you see that I'm the one
Who understands you?

Been here all along

So, why can't you see?


I turned off the radio.



Both of them started whining simultaneously.

What the fuck.

I get it Lia is whining, it's normal for someone her age,she is looking cute. But what the fuck this so called grown up fucker is whining for,he looks like pig.

"If you want to have a concert then sit here, I am going out."saying this I exited the car carrying a cap and black sunglasses.The race is not even started yet and I am already exhausted by their tantrums.Both of them get out of the car, looking around.

I keep my hand on Lia's shoulder and kneeled on the ground. Even if I am crouching down Lia is still smaller than me.

I hold Lia's face and placed the cap on her head and gave her the black sunglasses.She scrunched her nose, looking at the sunglasses.

"Wear it for now.Once we reach the VIP suite you can remove them. Okay? "I reasoned.She nodded her head and wear the sunglasses without any questions.

My smart girl.

I stand up and looked at the fucker.I placed my hand on Lia's ears.Startled she looked up at me in confusion"If you l-"

"If I left her alone even for a single second. You will gauge out my eyes and fed me my eyeballs.I know.Stop repeating the same thing, it's getting irritating now."He yawned.I glared at him,this fucker knows I won't punch him in front of Lia.I removed my hands from her ears.I held her hand and led them to the VIP lounge, ignoring people's stares.On reaching the room,I saw Mario seating.Seeing me,he stood up.

"Sphinx."He nodded at me and his eyes first went towards Elijah and then wandered towards Lia,who was looking around.I placed her behind me.His eyes met mine,"They are going to stay here,I guess."On reciving a nod from me,he continued,"After the match,meet me in room no 102." He came near me and whispered near my ear, "Keep the little girl hidden,there are many prying eyes,make sure she won't wander around."He passed by me and went to the door."Come in 5 minutes." Opening the door he went outside.

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