58|➴A Lovely Dawn➴

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He held her back and pulled her close to his face.
“You just had sweets two hours ago. Are you alright baby girl?” His voice was filled with concern. She kept her head on his chest and hugged his biceps.

“I don't know but I'm feeling so weird these days. Like I become hungry just within two or three hours after consumption. And the next moment I feel like vomiting them out. And you know the worst part?”

“What is it, Rooh?” He asked caressing her hairs

“I don't like this type of behaviour of mine at all. I should be happy na that today Hiya di and Vihaan jiju are going to get engaged but see I'm feeling sad and also feeling like I don't want to ever go down.” She sobbed in his arms while Abhimaan was too shocked to react at what happened to her suddenly.

Her condition was getting better by each passing day. Though she hasn't opened up about her past to him yet, wholly. Still she told him that her mother's maternal family was looking for her elder brother Rehan. And as they're unable to find him they're threatening her. But she herself didn't know where her brother was. Abhimaan met her doctor and from him he got to know about Rehan more specifically, because they used to be friends years ago, when Rehana's parents were alive.

He was also trying hard to find Rehan Remain Chaudhari. Though hearing his whole name he felt he had heard this name earlier but ignored his feelings and asked his private investigator to find out about this man.

“Are you tense about your brother?” he asked and she shook her head.

“No. Because I know, you'll find him for me. You always keep your promises, so I'm not tense about it. But I don't know why I'm behaving like this.” She again made a crying face and nuzzled her face in the crook of his neck.

“It's okay. Just sleep for sometime. We didn't sleep the whole night because you keep demanding for more love making. So let's sleep for a few hours, you may feel better. Also it's just 5: 30 am now.”

Nodding, she closed her eyes and drifted into sleep in no time while he kept caressing her hairs, until sleep took over him also.


“I'm feeling so excited Vihaan” Hiya twirled and Vihaan chuckled looking at her over the video call at this early morning, as both of them were unable to sleep for the whole night due to the excitement of today's engagement ceremony.

“What? Why are you laughing?” She sat down on the bed in front of the phone and glared at him.

“Nothing nothing, you keep twirling” He said, gulping his laughter inside and Hiya made faces.

“It's been three weeks since we've met.” Vihaan said and Hiya nodded her head agreeing with him. After coming back from a short vacation to  Gulmarg, Hiya's exam had started and just a week ago it ended. So they couldn't meet each other. Also they both handled everything for the families, from shopping to choosing gifts. As Vihaan was busy with exams copies and she was busy giving exams back to back for two long weeks.

“I don't even know what dresses they bought for me” She made a pout and Vihaan smiled.

“I also do not know.” “By the way my cousin's brother's and sister's from my mother's side have come. So please be aware of them, they're hell naughty “

“It's okay. I'll handle them don't worry”

“I'm so excited for the whole week”

“Yes. Me too…  today's engagement, then Sangeet and Mehndi, then Haldi and finally our wedding” She said dreamily but at last her face fell. She wished for her mother and father but alas.

FINDING HOME IN YOU Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora