Episode 6: a new ally! confronting the ones responsible

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Kaworu bent down at the cherry black puddle, curious as to who is this Kenichi and how the apocalypse originated. He began poking at it, until an arm emerges from it. He backed away and watched as the head, torso, and other arm emerges from the puddle. Once the goo drips away, it reveals a muscular human man. The man has spiky deep red hair, pink skin, and red eyes.

"Are you kenichi?" Asked Kaworu.

"Y-yes, what of it?" Answered the red haired man, breathing heavily.

"I'm just curious, but you were turned into goo for sixty seven years. Now you have psychic powers like I do, which is amazing at first" explained Kaworu.

"Heh, now that's a funny thing you've said" grinned Kenichi, while wiping the goo from his eyes.



Something was banging the metal door, and from what kaworu had observed, it could have been the same robot that tried to kill him.

"We don't have time, unless you can fight or use your psychic powers, that robot will kill you and me!" Warned Kaworu.

"Hmph, that I will have to test out my fighting skills" said Kenichi.

Kaworu quickly helped the red haired man get out of the puddle, to get ready to fight the robot. Kenichi struggled to stand up, due to not using his legs for a long time, and put his fists up in a fighting stance. It wasn't long until the robot finally bust open the metal door, then it immediately shoots energy blasts. Both dodged the attack, but one of the blasts hit Kaworu at the left arm and took a chunk off of his undersuit sleeve. Kenichi glared at the robot and charged at it, fists ready. He couldn't care if he gets hit by the robots energy blasts multiple times, it barely slowed him down.


With one hit from his punch, it sent the robot flying across the chamber and hit the wall. When the robot tries to get up, he punched so hard that it's head is reduced to pieces of scrap metal. However, as the robot slumped over dead, a capsule no bigger than a three year old came out of it. Kaworu was amazed upon watching the newly revived man fought the robot, but at the same time, he felt that he would've fight the robot if he hadn't been scared. After all, he was used to wearing the robotic suit to deal with the robotic drone that was attacking the warehouse.

"That was amazing! You took down the robot with your bare hands!" Cheered Kaworu.

"Heh, that was nothing. I've took some hits from that contraptions blasts" said Kenichi, rubbing his wounds.

Much to his surprise, Kaworu watched as the wounds immediately healed themselves without forming into scabs.

"Oh my, your wounds have healed themselves!" He remarked.

"Wow, who knew? I guess I'm special!" Chuckled Kenichi.

After a brief moment of laughter, Kenichi decided to leave the chamber.

"Um, Kenichi? Are you sure you want to walk around like that? You're pretty much naked since upon emerging from your puddle. Don't you want to at least cover yourself?" Question Kaworu.

Kenichi blushed as he just realized that, so he searched for something to cover himself. He sees a pinkish red puddle with a pile of clothes on it. It was the remains of a scientist, since it consists of: lab coat, white buttoned shirt, black formal pants, black shoes. He bent down and began moving the clothes, until he found a fundoshi (Japanese men's underwear). Then he slipped it on, before going back to the puddle that he emerged from. He reached his arm, and the cherry black slime of the puddle began enveloping him, before shaping into a protective suit.

"That way, I won't take anymore hits!" He said with a grin.

"Well, that counts as clothing" said Kaworu in his head.

The duo left the chamber, and in the hallway, they watched as every male and female lab personnel that were turned into goo have emerged from their puddles. Kaworu blushed when he sees their naked bodies, so Kenichi had to cover the boys eyes and walked towards the elevator.

"Sheesh! Talk about seeing much!" Kaworu commented.

"So, where do we go from here?" Asked Kenichi.

"For starters, my mission is completed upon meeting you. However, I feel like the answer to my question as to who caused the apocalypse might be somewhere here in this research tech lab" answered Kaworu.

He pressed the button to the third floor, and the elevator began to move upwards. As it stops, the metal doors slide open. In the third floor, it consists of rooms used for testing experiments and manufacturing robots. The duo walked through its halls, feeling an air of ominous and mystery. When they entered one room, they see it has six pods filled with pinkish red goo.

"Were they been experimenting on people before the apocalypse? Just what were they planning??" Kaworu whispered to himself, feeling scared upon the reveal.

"I don't know, but it felt familiar" replied Kenichi.

The duo leave the room, and continued exploring the third floor. At the end of the hallway, there was a metal door with the puddle and pile of clothing at the front of it.

"Say kid, why do you walk barefoot?" Asked Kenichi.

"It's a long story, but all I can say is my shoes have rotted and this undersuit doesn't include boots. Why do you walk around wearing nothing but fundoshi and a suit made from your puddle, when there's clothes for you to wear?" Answered Kaworu.

"Ha ha ha! You've got me!" Laughed Kenichi.

Upon examining the pile of clothes and puddle, Kaworu deduced that it was the remains of a security guard that was guarding a door to something important. The duo walked over the puddle, and opened the door. Once they entered the room, it consists of multiple chairs with one chair behind a desk, and windows at the back. They can assume that it was a meeting room, considering that the chairs were arranged into rows. However, they saw two puddles in front of the window with different clothing. One puddle has a robe, an ornate mask designed to look like an owls face, and a rod with an owl at the top. The other puddle has a lab coat that has a slightly different design than the others the duo sees, a white shirt, black formal pants, dress shoes, and red glasses.

"Just... who were they?" Asked Kaworu.

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