Episode 4: eating dinner and receiving a mission

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At an unknown location at the northeastern part of Hakone, two glowing bird like humanoids is examining few inactive robots that were used as security and enforcers to keep people in line.

"Hmm... surely these would come in handy to make sure there is perfect order" said the female bird like humanoid.

"Yuki, there is already order in this world. Sure, humans are regaining physical bodies one by one, but they can be controlled by... other means" the male bird like humanoid reminded.

"But these robots, built by humans sixty seven years ago, can be tools for our reign!" She responded, while preening her feathered arm.

"That could work, but we're still looking for our brother who has yet to gain physical form. If we find him, we might as well become whole again" he said.

Yuki, the female bird like humanoid, raised both of her arms. Four globs of pinkish red goo rise from the ground, before entering into each separate capsules that are attached to the robots as if by magic. She smirked upon seeing the robots activating, and ordered the two to patrol the streets before ordering the other two to go to the research tech lab.

Back at the warehouse lab

It was already evening, Kaworu had changed into his casual clothes while putting his undersuit at the rack. Tomori is wearing red colored kimono and sandals, since Kaworu handed him to wear. Yoshino had already finished up repairing the robotic suit, and started making some noodles for dinner.

"Ugh, I'm bored and hungry" groaned Kaworu.

"Don't worry, I'm making us some dinner" said Yoshino.

"Here, let me help. I've made soups and meals before I turned into goo" offered Tomori.

"Thank you, I appreciate the help" she thanked.

Tomori did the prep work while Yoshino added the spices for the soup, but Kaworu took a nap on the couch. After fifteen minutes, the noodle soups are done. Tomori had to wake Kaworu, by poking at his bare feet.

"Stop poking my feet! Trying to take a nap here!" Yelled Kaworu.

"Sorry, but dinner is done" Tomori apologized.

Kaworu got off the couch and headed towards the table, where Yoshino is serving the bowls full of soup and noodles. The smell of the soup and the spices made his stomach growl and his mouth watered, since it reminds him about his mother's cooking. He picked up a fork, and scooped up the noodles. One bite from the noodles and he can taste the garlic, the ginger, and peppers. He wolfed down his dinner, while drinking the broth.

"Wow, you've already finished your dinner before we begin" said Yoshino, amazed.

"Yeah, but this dinner reminds me of my mother's cooking. It made me drool from smelling it, and the taste made me want more!" He said while grinning.

"Since it's night time, you can sleep on the couch or find somewhere to sleep. I'll have to figure out where I should sleep" said Tomori.

"I'll have to figure out too, in the meantime, feel free to watch tv" said Yoshino to Kaworu.

Kaworu came back to the couch, and turned on the tv. However, it only displays static because no one in the studios are maintaining any programs. Luckily, there were tapes and discs that have shows and films for him and the others to watch. One disc has a film that he remembers watching when he was a kid, it's called "The Ninjas Revenge". He remembered that it was action packed, with a bit of romance, and the drama that made him intrigued. Once he inserts the disc into the disc player, the static on the screen changes into a menu of the film.

As for Tomori and Yoshino, they looked for a comfortable place for him to sleep. Tomori found an inflatable mattress that was advertised on tv two years before the apocalypse, so Yoshino grabbed an air pump and starts inflating the mattress. Eventually, everyone felt very tired to the point that they head for bed to sleep. Kaworu, on the other hand, finished watching the movie and found out that it actually sucked and was rather cheesy. He turned off the tv, before sleeping on the couch.

The next morning

Everyone got up the moment that the sunlight poured through the hole made by the robotic drone, and grabbed some snacks to eat for breakfast. Kaworu poured himself a cup of coffee, while Tomori drank a bottle of tea from a package.

"How was your sleep, Kaworu?" Asked Tomori.

"Feh, I slept good. That movie I watched as a kid sucked and it was cheesy, but I didn't mind" answered Kaworu.

"Guys! Come quick!" Yoshino called.

The duo came rushing towards her, and she shows them the feedback coming from an old security camera on her monitor. It shows the inside of the research tech lab, and robots are patrolling it's halls. Not to mention a room with a glowing puddle, which give a hint that someone is trying to regain their physical body.

"There's suspicious activity in the research tech lab, and I want any of you two to go and investigate it" said Yoshino.

"I'm out, I'm not really a fighter because I'm a cook" said Tomori.

"Then count me in! Just let me change into my undersuit and wear the robotic suit, then I'm ready!" Said Kaworu, feeling enthusiastic.

"That's the spirit!" Said Yoshino, as she smiled.

Few minutes later, Kaworu is now wearing the undersuit and stepped into the robotic suit. It closed in, and he's now wearing it. He waved at Yoshino and Tomori, before activating the rocket boots and flew off through the hole in the ceiling.

Authors note: I know this chapter is short compared to the previous, but it nonetheless is interesting.

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