Episode 5: Hakone research tech lab

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Kaworu flew through the sky, passing by half submerged small buildings that were stores and restaurants. When he headed north, he passes through three tall buildings that were once hospitals in the medical district. He sees that the sea of pinkish red goo became shallow that he can see the street, not to mention he saw dry land at the end. He flew down towards the street, and carefully land while deactivating the rocket boots. The street has few cars where people drive before the apocalypse, and there were lots of puddles with clothes that are tattered from exposure of the weather and time.

"This feels kind of like a nightmare, where there are traces of people going on their lives before that energy wave have turned them into goo and leaving behind their clothes. That happened to me" he said to himself.

"Kaworu? Can you hear me? It's me, Yoshino" said the female voice coming from the communications cap.

"Yes, I can hear you fine. I'm over at the middle of the medical district" he answered.

"Ok, the research tech lab is north. As in, at the end of town next to the woodland. I need you to investigate it" she instructed.

"I hear you loud and clear, I won't disapoint!" He said with a grin.

"That's the spirit, I won't get tired of your hot blood personality. Over, out!" She said, before ending the transmission.

Kaworu felt pumped, and heads towards north by running. He stopped to take a breath, and he sees the research tech lab near from where he's at. It didn't take long for him to arrive at the research tech lab, and he was amazed upon seeing it. It's a big three storied building with a two storied building connected to it, and it looked pristine and almost futuristic. There are two puddles with tattered suits at the front entrance, indicating that these are remains of the security guards. When he entered through the front entrance, he can see that the main lobby is littered with puddles and clothing that were once the personnel. Even the reception desk has a puddle with women's clothing next to it, indicating that the puddle was once the receptionist at the time before the cataclysm.

"Sheesh, is this where the cataclysm started at?" He asked himself.

He walked around, imagining the final moments of the research tech lab personnel as he walked past the puddles. He can hear their voices crying out for help through telepathy, in which he felt sorry for them. As he walked towards the elevator, he found a barely visible energy field blocking the entrance. He turned his head, and saw a sign on the wall. It reads:

"Attention to all lab personnel and civilians, any metal and unauthorized devices will not go past this point. If you brought an unauthorized tech with you, discard it now or it will disintegrate when passing through this field. Thank you, and have a nice day".

He grumbled to himself, before ordering the robotic suit that he was wearing to open up. It released some steam before opening, so he can step out of the robotic suit. Once he stepped out of the robotic suit, the air felt warm and crisp. The floor felt smooth and cold beneath his bare feet, since it reminds him of home. He walked through the energy field, and it didn't do anything to the communications cap nor his undersuit. He sighed with relief, before entering the elevator. In there, he pushed the button to go up the second floor. Then the elevator moved up before stopping and opened its doors, so he can step out. He can see that the second floor is dark with some lights, but it wasn't enough for him to see. He brushed his hands, trying to feel a light switch or something. Instead, he felt something that is shaped like a rod and made of plastic.

"Must be a glow stick, or a plastic device that those yahoos use for their experimengs" he thought to himself.

Once he bends it, it produced a purple colored glow bright enough for him to see. He smirked upon seeing this, before carrying it in his hand as he walked through the hall. The only thing he can hear is the sound of his bare feet, his breathing, and the low hum of still functional machines from the room.


Suddenly, he stepped on something wet and gooey, and looked down. He finds out that he's stepping on a puddle of what was once a scientist, much to his disgust.

"Yuck! I can't believe that I'm stepping on a person, on bare feet no less!" He complained.

Since there is no towels to wipe off the goo, he had no choice but to walk it off. Then he heard wheels coming from a hall to the left, he turned his head and saw a robot coming towards him. Once it sees him, it wastes no time firing energy blasts at him. He barely dodged it's attack, and run away.

"Damn it! Why is there a robot here attacking anyone!?" He questioned in his head.

His main priority is to survive, with the robot on his trail. He immediately slide open a door to a room, before closing it so that the robot doesn't see him. Breathing heavily, he looked around his surroundings. He finds himself in a chamber full of lab equipment, capsules filled with pinkish red goo, machines that he doesn't know, and computers. But there's something that catches his eye, and that is a glowing puddle next to a damaged capsule.

"Was that the glowing puddle from that security footage?" He asked himself.

He walked closer to the glowing puddle, and he can see that it was cherry black in color compared to the goo he's used to see outside and everywhere. It gives off a soft white colored glow, but he wasn't sure if it's the really the remains of a person.

"Can you hear me? Who are you?" He asked while using telepathy.

There was no answer, besides some unintelligible murmurs.

"My name is Kaworu Tsukuba, what's yours?" He introduced himself, using telepathy.

"... Kenichi..." a deep yet calm male voice replied.

He was surprised upon hearing that reply, because he assumed that the puddle is the remains of something otherworldly.

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