Ed hummed in agreement, laughing a little. 

Dean grabbed Ed by the jacket and shoved him against the wall. "Ed?"

"Yeah?" Ed whimpered. 

"Where's your partner?"

"God, he is so hot." I whispered. 

"I totally see why you want to have his children." Millie nodded along. I laughed a little. 


"What're you doing at the Morton House? On a leap year?" Dean asked as we walked into another room where a table was full of more equipment and a laptop. I guess this is base camp. "What are you thinking?"

"We're here to spend the night, okay?" Ed said. "It's for our TV show." 

"What? Great. Perfect." Sam remarked.

"Yeah, nobody's every spent the night before." Corbett stated. 

"I don't know these dickbags, but they seem like morons." Millie spoke up.

"They are." I told her. 

"Uh, actually, yeah, they have." Dean told Corbett. 

"Uh, we've never heard of them." Ed said. 

"Yeah, you know why?" Dean asked. "The ones that have, haven't lived to talk about it." He snapped.

Ed laughed. "Oh, come on, I don't believe you." 

Sam slammed the duffle bag he had down onto the table. "Look, missing persons reports going back almost a half century." He pulled out the stack of papers we'd acquired. "Uh, John Graham stayed on a dare, gone. Julie Wilkerson, gone. There are tons more." He handed Ed the papers. "All of them came to stay the night, always on a leap year. The only body they ever found was the last owner, Freeman Daggett." 

"These look legit." Ed stated as he flipped thorugh the reports.

"They are legit. And look, we ain't got much time here, buddy. Starting at midnight, your friends are going to die." Sam stated. 

"Baby, come here." Dean called.

I moved toward him. "What?"

"Is it okay if I kill these fucking morons?" He asked quietly, smiling at Evie as she reached out for him. 

I laughed a little. "Maybe at least wait until Evie's not in the room."

Dean lifted her into his arms. "Fine." 

Evie was nine months old now. It was hard to believe it had only been two months since we'd taken her in. She babbled, looking up at Dean as he bounced her in his arms. 

"Is that so?" Dean asked her, smiling. She babbled again, tapping his shoulder. I smiled. 

A bunch of panicked voices came barreling down the stairs and into the room. Harry--the dark haired guy who was the co-creator of the website with Ed--was one of them, a dark haired girl and another man with a camera also ran in the room. 

They were all yelling loud enough that I was sure someone from town would heard. 

"We got one! We got one!" Harry jumped around. "Corbett, we saw one! A full apparition!"

Evie went quiet sinking into Dean's arms and gripping his shirt. 

"Get out of here." Ed exclaimed.

"It was a class 4, a spectral illumination." Harry said. 

"It was absolutely amazing." The woman--who had been called Maggie, I think--added. 

"Everybody shut the fuck up!" Dean yelled, covering Evie's ears. Everyone went deadly quiet. "My poor baby." He rubbed Evie's back, rolling his eyes. 

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