"Okay baby. I need you to start pushing," Dae Hyun says taking her hand in his.


Our baby girl is finally born in a bit under 15 minutes. She takes a few breaths while in extreme tears as they lay baby girl on her chest. Just when she was about to get comfortable the doctor tells her to get ready to push again. They go and put baby number one in an incubator behind the doctors and work on getting baby number two out. She about loses it when they tell her to push again.

"I can't," Soo-min cries out and I can't help but start sobbing. She looks so tired. I couldn't imagine being her right now and I'd do anything to take her pain away.

"You can my love. Just a few more pushes and our boy will be here," Dae Hyun encourages her and she nods her head. I wipe the sweat off of her forehead and she grips all of our hands ready to push again.

And just like that, our baby boy is born. At this point we're all crying and hugging each other.

"You did so amazing Soo-min. So amazing." I say to her as I give her a big hug while they clean up the babies.

Bada is over where the doctors are with her camera.

"They're so beautiful Minmin," Bada says through tears.


The babies are so freaking cute. Soo-min's been sleep for a while and everyone else has went home to give them some time with each other. Bada and I stayed in case they needed anything plus we have to take the kids to our place later on. The kids got to meet their new siblings and it was the cutest interaction ever.

Bada's dozed off and Dae Hyun left to go check on another patient. He's off the clock but the man is too diligent for his own good. So it was just me and the twins. Their baskets are in front of me and I just stare and their adorable faces. It's so crazy a woman can make little humans, let alone multiple at once.

They decided to name the girl Hae Byeol and the boy Dal Byeol. Hae Byeol starts stirring around so I gently pick her up hoping Soo-Min doesn't wake up. She needs all the sleep she can get after how amazing she was today.

I pick her up and gently bounce her in my arms while rubbing her tiny hand. As I look at her, I can't help but get teary eyed about my past. I know I keep bringing it up today but I can't help but get reminded of it in times like this. Hae Byeol slowly opens her eyes and stares at me with the most precious smile. I can't help but wonder what my own child would've looked like had I gone to full term and gave birth.

I've always wondered that and it's always bothered me. Back the. I was so young and as I grew older I felt like a part of me had been ripped away. Losing that baby changed my entire life for the worse and I've tried my absolute hardest to not let what happened back then affect my life and present day but some days are harder than others. Everything could've been different if I gave birth to a healthy baby you know. I could've been a mother or at least given them up for adoption to a nice couple. Just looking at Hae Byeol has me fighting back tears and I just break. I quietly sob into my chest feeling a sense of pain.

"Baby?" Bada says quietly but with concern. I quickly try to shake that painful feeling away and get myself together as she comes over to me.

"Why are you crying my love?" Bada asks looking into my eyes.

"I'm just really happy the babies are here," I lie to her. She comes over and wraps me in her arms after I put the baby back in her basket.

"Talk to me love" Bada says gently rubbing my shoulders.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 11 ⏰

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