Our lifestyle before coming here was something she didn't know how to cope with , but neither her or I had a choice , and now switching to this ... I get why she needs this to be true .

Why lie ? So do I .

« It is real mom , it is our right . We earned it fair and square after all we've been through . »

I can sense her smile even through the phone , then some noises started coming too . « Love you , Hannah . » She sighs , probably pushing emotional tears away . « Now , I need to go and so do you . Have fun at your new school and new year . Be a real senior , you've got the green light from me . Just no drugs , alcohol or ... »

« Sex ? Yeah momma , got it . »

« See you at dinner , sweetie . »

« See ya . Love ya . »

I hang up and put the phone in my lap as I look up and take a deep breath , letting my brown wild hair cover my back , like a swift hug from a friend then I close my eyes taking a moment to gather myself a bit. Only I feel something weird beneath me , as if this chair is too soft for its own good , and there is another source of warmth wrapping around me like a blanket in the middle of winter , I look down and behind me .

Holy crap , that's not a chair ... that's a man .

I stand up abruptly . Have I been sitting on his lap all this time ? And why didn't he tell me anything ? Why did he just let me ?

Pervert !

I didn't even notice myself sitting there . I look at him with my usual angry aggressive Hannah expression I make sure to use for such occasions . For the first time , that face threatens to bail on me as I actually take a clear glance at the man . He is older than me , probably in his late twenties , he has brown hair , perfectly styled and shining under the sunlight , his brown eyes concealed behind a pair of glasses giving him a nerdy and smart look while his jaw line sharp with a bit of beard lining it , adding to his masculinity more intensity and giving him a serious allure . Judging by his appearance , he looks like those historical men from tragic romances that end with either both the lovers dead or eventually not ending up together . He wears a brown French coat and wraps a camel scarf around his neck . Maybe I stared too much , because his eyes are boring into me , he looks at me as though I were a crazy old lady with a cane and like an asteroid that just fell from the sky . There is a look on his face that gives me trembles all over my body . I don't know why or how , and I can't stay here to figure out anyway . I'm still furious he didn't alarm me about my mistake , he should've made a sign or something to make me move , instead he let me sit there and worse , he must have listened to my conversation with mom .

I glare at him as I stand up straightening my composure .

« I hope you enjoyed having me sitting on you . »

He takes a sip of his coffee without looking away or showing a hint of annoyance . « You sat down here with your own consent . »

The audacity ! The ever so casual way he spoke ! The very deep and rough voice ...

« Do you identify as a chair ? Since you seem to like having people sit on you . »

He grins and looks down before setting his eyes back at me while adjusting his glasses with his finger .

« I might start identifying as one from now , does that mean you'll sit on me when you come here ? »

I gape at him . What a great way to start my first day at school ! I look down and let out a dry chuckle before heading to his table and placing both my palms on it .

« What's your name ? »

« Kane . I have a phone number too though , in case you want to know it too . »

I roll my eyes . He either is blind and can't see that there is obviously an age gap between us , or my clothes indeed make me look older . I probably should've listened to my mom rather than insist on wearing this formal outfit . To be honest I look as if I am working as an assistant to some election complain rather than a senior student . « Look , Kane . You're a grown ass man , maybe you should work on letting your brain grow up along with your body . » His face betrays no emotion . « And if I come to this place again , you better not be here . » I say as I grab my things and take off without looking back .

When I say life hardened me I don't mean it as a joke or as an overreaction , it is actually an understatement . There are things I lived and saw that I probably will never heal from , but if I can't heal from the pain , might as well use it as a shield , so I grew an impenetrable armour to protect me from every other aspect of danger for myself or my mom , I taught myself to be strong and to know when to use my tongue to defend myself , but also when to use my fists if necessary , I also taught myself to take a strike and still smile , never show my weakness and never let a loophole .

So I guess that guy will be in a very big trouble if he messes with me again .

Although judging from the fast rhythm of my heartbeat , I guess I might be the one in trouble .

I Found HomeHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin