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Shivaay rubbed his forehead with irritation, as he leaned forward, a hand clasped around the plastic cup of coffee that he'd purchased from the hospital's cafeteria.

Swallowing the burning bitter liquid, he exhaled slowly. Dr. Khan and Dr. Anand's words from earlier mingling in his brain as he tried to come to terms with the fact that everything was spiraling out of control. He'd never much paid attention to his own well being: his worry for his cousins and his sister had always overshadowed his own happiness.

And look where it got you—— his mind whispered.

Shut the fuck up!—— he snapped back, internally.

Shivaay sighed, leaning back against the chair as he eyed the various members passing in and out of the cafeteria—— happy ones with bright smiles on their faces; sad ones with looks of dejection and frowns.

He looked at the cup of coffee in his hands, which he knew to be hot, and yet his hands felt numb. The presence of another, and the scraping sound of the feet of the chair grating against the floor made him look up.

His temper worsened as he noticed Dr. Dev Chabra, sitting down opposite him with a cheerful smile.

"Hello, Mr. Oberoi," Dev smiled. "Fancy seeing you here, again!"

"My wife is here," Shivaay arched an eyebrow, the displeasure starkly clear on his face, as he replied in a cold manner.

"So I've heard," Dev's smile dimmed, as he glanced Shivaay, up and down. "You look terrible."

"How flattering," Shivaay retorted drily.

"Shivaay——" Dev began, with a sigh.

"Mr. Oberoi," Shivaay interrupted, looking at him pointedly.

"Mr. Oberoi," Dev rolled his eyes. "I see that you did not take my advice from the last time we met?"

"Pardon?" Shivaay's eyes narrowed.

"About taking Annika away from Oberoi Mansion," Dev shrugged.

"Shivaay Singh Oberoi does not listen to anyone," he grit out.

"Your wife was right," the doctor in front of him shook his head.

"Excuse me?!" Shivaay was barely holding on to the boiling rage—— if any hospital staff so as much let anyone before him into Annika's cabin, he would have them fired on the spot.

"Relax," Dev rolled his eyes. "I'm talking about the last time I talked to your wife. Diwali," he added.

"What was she right about?" Shivaay questioned, coolly.

"That you're egoistical and arrogant," he shrugged. Shivaay couldn't hurt the pang in his chest—— he'd hurt her deeply, and to think of her talking about him in a negative manner to a stranger hurt him. "What was the word she used? Haan!" Dev snapped his fingers, with an excited smile. "Tadibaaz!"

Shivaay stiffened.

He closed his eyes, rubbing his temple. Breathing in deeply, he opened his eyes. Exhaling slowly, he stood up, downing the rest of the cup of coffee. "Goodbye, Dr. Chabra." Shivaay rolled his eyes, walking away from the annoying doctor who merely gave him a mysterious smile.

Shaking his head, Shivaay dumped the plastic cup into the trash can and walked back to the wing of the hospital his wife had been put in.


She stared at the gushing blood which trailed down her arms—— from scarlet to crimson to candy red. As it mixed with the cold water, it became brighter—— she smiled bitterly. A laughable contrast to her life which only got darker and darker with each and every passing minute.

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