Then suddenly her phone rang, She hurriedly attended the call, "yes baba?.." She was so lost to even say Salam, "walaikun Salam... Yes baba I'm just.. Coming.. Yeah.. Allah Hafiz". She hung the call.

" you're going? "

"Mmm.. Baba is already home. I'll come tomorrow".

" I'll wait till then". He patted her head. She chuckled, "bye! "

With saying "Goodbye" she left. And he kept on staring at her figure going.

"She has gone now yejun is all alone here"..That unknown figure who was noticing their acts was no other but iseul. Who told everything to Yuri on call.

He then moved back to his mom's ward with a smile resting on his lips. But his smile suddenly dropped when he saw a plenty of men there outside her room. All suited in black, like bodyguards.

He rushed there, "what's going on here? " he seems panicked.

One of the men replied, " we are ordered to kick out this patient from here! "

He shocked, "What?! Who ordered that? My eomma is a cancer patient and her treatment is going on here, you can't kick her out from here when I paid all the bills for her chemotherapy as well"

"Listen man! You need to go to the director's room and talk to himself. Otherwise.. " the man warned him.

"Director? Why do I need to.. "

"Then we'll do what we are ordered to.. " a man was about to open the door.

"Wait!!".. His eyes wide opened, took a deep breath, " where is the director's room? "


He made his way to the director's room when the man told him. He knew nothing about what was coming for him. He stood outside the room, unknowingly his heart was pounding in his chest.

With a breath out, he knocked the door. A guard opened it for him and he stepped in. His eyes were fixed on the director's chair. The director, who was reading some file, looked at him when he entered.

Yejun didn't look around. He stood up in front of him.

"Lee yejun? .. Whom mother Lee haneul is a third stage lung cancer patient? " the director already knew everything about him.

He wasn't surprised at all, but he confidently nodded. Then finally spoke, " you are the one who ordered those men to take my mom out? "

"Yes.. "

"I'm supposed to know the reason because neither I create any mess for faculty members nor I submit any dues late. Then why? " his tone was stern .

When it comes to one's parents, he can't tolerate, and hesitate to step against the world.

Director chuckled, "well from now on, have a good conversation with our girls. They will decide the rest. "

He raised his eyebrows in confusion.

That's when he heard heels sound tapping on the floor, when he entered the room, he didn't see that jiho and Yuri were sitting on sofa there in the opposite direction.

He turned around and remained stunt, "jiho? Yuri? " his mind was almost stopped working.

Ji-ho smirked, "hi yejun! Surprised to see us? "

"What are you doing here? What is this game? " his mind wasn't processing at all.

"It's not that complicated. " Yuri said in a sassy way. He glared at both of them.

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