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In the evening , Fatima is making a pony tail of rumi's hair . When she's done, Rumi looks at her baby pink hijab, Rumi smiles, "one day I'll wear the scarf too! "

Fatima smiles, "yes Rumi, you'll"
Rumi checks herself in the mirror, then a question arises in her little mind, "unnie! Why do we wear hijab? "

Fatima looks at her, takes a deep breath, "it's because hijab covers and protects our beauty". Miss Noor is going to the kitchen when she hears the little conversation going on between her daughters. She stops in her track to listen to them.

" but unnie! If our intentions are good, why do we need covering or protection? "

Fatima looks back and forth in her eyes with a surprised face. Rumi's question is more mature than her age. Fatima needs to think before answering, "Rumi! Hijab is... "

"Your identity" miss noor completes fatima's sentence while entering the room. Both girls startle a little as their attention move to their mom. Miss noor then sits on the bed next to the Rumi. She then says, "hijab not only covers your beauty but also highlights it" she caresses rumi's hair, looks at Fatima, "when you wear a piece of cloth on your head, it becomes an identity that you aren't Just a normal girl but belongs to a Muslim nobel family. It highlights your identity, purify your character and in the end protect you from the evil intentions. "

Fatima smiles, Rumi : " but maa! If I think straight then why do I need to cover myself? " miss noor seems impressed by rumi's sharp and active mind, "Rumi! Our beloved prophet's daughter Hazrat Fatima R.A , do you think, anyone can have a purer intentions than her R.A?"
Rumi has heard a lot of stories from her dad about prophet's wives and daughters. She innocently shakes her head in denial.

Miss noor continues, "Exactly۔۔When a woman's purity cannot be more pure than herself (R.A), why do we forget that she used to wear a veil too, she covered herself too!?..if the most pure woman did hijab then who are we to deny? " Both Rumi and Fatima are looking at their mother's expressions, when miss Noor talks about hazrat Fatima, her expressions become genuine respect and pure love.

It's true that miss. Noor named her first daughter Fatima in the name of hazrat Fatima R.A.

Fatima then asks, " maa? What if a woman who used to veil takes off her hijab or abandon it? "
Miss Noor looks at her and her smile fades, " this is worse than death for her". Fatima raises eyes.

"If there is no self-control, a man dies. But if a woman becomes immoral, the whole society dies. ". Miss noor says firmly, Fatima feels like a shiver in her spine, hearing those words..

Magrib prayer call alarm rings on phone.

Miss Noor looks at them, " let's leave everything and offer prayer first. Your baba will be coming off his work anytime. "

Then they all get up to offer prayer.


At night Fatima is laying on her bed, not straight, but horizontal position, her long black hair are touching the floor, as she's staring at the ceiling thinking about today.
Those voices are echoing in her brain when those two girls were mocking her.

" she looks odd. Doesn't she? "

"why do we want to learn such a strict religion which doesn't even let us reveal our body"

"She seems like a specie still living under rocks"

"their religion is a very forced one. I take pity on these ppl. They're forced to forbid things that are very necessary"

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