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"Fatima!!...Fatima!!" Noor-ul-ain entered the living room, looking for Fatima but instead she sees Romaisa drawing while sitting on the floor.

"She isn't home yet! Maa! .. " Rumi replies.

She looks outside the window, "not yet? Allah khair! The rain has already stopped, why has she not returned back yet? "

"Why are you worrying, my Noor! She'll come back soon, don't worry yourself". Mr. Yaqoob comes out of his bedroom while reading newspapers.

" why not worrying yaqoob! We don't even know this country well. What if she lost... "

"She won't.. " Mr. Yaqoob cuts her while saying, " there are 70,000 angels protecting my Fatima, then why should I worry? "

Noor-ul-ain sighs, Rumi looks up in curiosity, "you mean she recited Ayat-ul-kursi?..Before leaving? "

Mr. Yaqoob smiles, "exactly Rumi! And when a person recites ayat-ul-kursi before leaving his house, Allah SWT orders 70,000 angels to protect that person. Stronger than any guard in this world. And I trust my Fatima."

Rumi smiles, Noor interrupts, " if you really trust your daughter this much then why didn't you send her all alone here. Why we all had to move to this country where we had nothing ours".

Mr. Yaqoob's smile fades and he sits on the chair, "I trust my Fatima but not this world. I can't let her leave at the mercy of this cruel world. she made me proud this much that it became my responsibility to fulfil her dreams"

Miss Noor smiles and holds her husband's hand. Mr. Yaqoob also smiles, looking at her.

"Assalam O alaikum! " the voice echoes.

Everyone smiles, Rumi gets up from the floor in excitement, leaving her drawing in mids.

Mr yaqoob looked at Noor, "look your daughter has come! "

Fatima steps in, Rumi excitedly hugs her. She's just 8 years old, fully enthusiastic kiddo. Fatima bends a little to hug her back.

Fatima:"cmon Rumi! I've been out just for 3 hours, and you already missed me this much? "

Rumi breaks the hug, "obviously unnie! You're my only friend here, how wouldn't I miss you" her little innocent eyes twinkle.

Fatima chuckles at her cuteness, she takes out a chocolate for Rumi, "here it's for you! "

Rumi's eyes and smile brighten. "Thank you unnie you're the best" Fatima smiles and looks up at her parents who are already looking at both of them with a smile.

Indeed there's nothing better than seeing your children together in a happy and strong bond.

Fatima steps forward to her mom dad. as Rumi gets busy in eating her chocolate, "assalam O alaikum baba! Assalam O alaikum maa g! "

They both reply with a smile, "walikum Salam" Mr. Yaqoob nods Fatima to sit with him on the next chair, "Noor! Please bring water for our Fatima! She looks tired. "

Miss Noor nods and goes to the kitchen, Fatima sits at the dinning table next to Mr. Yaqoob. Mr yaqoob caresses her head covered with hijab.

He asks, " so all your documents have been submitted? Beta! "

Fatima nods her head, "yes baba! All documents have been submitted. I'll be starting my university this Monday. "

"Masha'Allah masha'Allah" Mr. Yaqoob smiles.

Noor comes with a glass of water and gives it to Fatima. As Fatima takes a sip. Miss. Noor asks: "it was raining heavily. Where did you stay? "

"In a convenient store. Until the rain stopped." She takes the last sip in, "Here convenient stores are cheaper than our supermarkets in Pakistan. "

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