Chapter- 33

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"You want me to do what?!" Kiara's voice echoed throughout the giant living room of the Kittiyangkul mansion, while Kavin and John held their palms against their ears.

"Well, technically your dad wants you to do that Princess Kittiyangkul," John smirked after blurting out the name given to Kiara by the netizens, as Kavin made a 'surrender dude' sign towards John not to provoke the girl further.

"Then tell my dad to come and talk to me." Kiara turned around walking towards the stairs, then stopped before speaking, "I am not going on a date with someone just to keep a man's reputation who didn't even consult with me before arranging my marriage before I became an adult." And she went upstairs to her room, slamming it hard enough for the two males standing downstairs, to hear.

"Mr. Kavin, please talk to your sister and persuade her to go on at least one date." John turned to his last hope, Kavin. Pretty useless hope.

"You heard her, I can't go against her when she's fuming up, and I do not agree with Dad. As much as I like MJ, I do not want my sister to get married and live an unhappy life like my mom and dad. They fell in love after the marriage or they didn't nobody knows. I in absolutely no sense want that for my little baby sister." Kavin's speech would have actually had some effect on John, if not for his duty as Kyle Kittiyangkul's assistant.

"Mr. Kavin I know you neither Ms. Kiara is on board with this marriage but it's just one date. Ms. Kiara won't have to stay for more than an hour with Mr. Methas, it's just for the paparazzi to get a few photos. Quite a few rumors are going around about Ms. Kiara being in a relationship with Mr. Ren. And Mike Jarustiwa isn't very happy about that." John's response made Kavin furrow his brows.

"What rumors?" Kavin asked confused, it surely couldn't be that photo, strangely Thyme had taken care of it.

"From Ms. Kiara and Ms. Mira's welcome party and Ms. Mira's mansion. The vase incident was recorded by a few students and posted on the school forum." John informed sighing. He was frustrated, to say the least, his job is to be an assistant not handle a bunch of moody teenagers and their romantic drama.

"I..." Kavin sighed as well a lot has gone wrong in just a few days, "I'll see what I can do. You can go." John exited the house immediately, one more second there and he would definitely go crazy.

Kavin on the other hand ran a run through his hair, he couldn't force his sister to go on a fake date with a person she barely knows. Yes, she and MJ hung out a little during the start, but all that just vanished after their trip to the beach.

But if he didn't handle the situation in his way, his dad would do so in his manipulative ways. Kavin looked up the stairs, it was a defining moment for him as a brother and he couldn't- wouldn't run away.

While Kiara was in her room, Ren's sketchbook was in her hand as she stared at her sketch drawn by Ren. She missed him, his snarky remarks, and his patience when he was teaching her Thai. Oh, how the tables had turned, a few days ago she couldn't handle the sight of him. Now she's craving for just one look.

And the fact that now she knew Gorya liked him as well, she was in a dilemma, it's not like she thinks she has a chance with Ren, but if she did she wouldn't take it. She doesn't want to ruin her friendship with Gorya.

She is also well aware that Thyme likes Gorya, and if Gorya got together with Ren, then Thyme would be hurt, if Kiara got together with Ren, Gorya would be hurt. What a weird love triangle, where two persons aren't in love with one another. But rather their adjacent ones. 

A soft knock on her door, snapped Kiara out of her thoughts, "Come in." She instantly knew it was Kavin because if it was Thyme he would have just barged in and John wouldn't risk coming up after what he said downstairs.

"You knew it was me?" Kavin came inside as he sat on the bay window behind Kiara's study table. Kiara was on her study table chair, facing Kavin.

"Yes, call it a sibling thing." Kiara cheekily smiled, it was as if just the presence of her brother made her feel a lot better.

"Wow, that's one heck of a powerful sibling radar you got there." Kavin joked back as both the siblings let out a small laugh, "You know that I am on your side, right?" Kavin's sudden serious question made Kiara glum yet once again.

"Yeah, I do," Kiara replied without any hesitation, they really had come a long way in their relationship, "I am just so confused and lost, Vin." The sudden nickname clenched Kavin's heart. The sudden urge of protectiveness washed over Kavin as his anger towards his only increased.

"I am not going to let this happen, little one, you trust me?" Kavin's question made Kiara look at him in shock and pure relief, "Just give me a little time and go along with whatever Dad says, I will not let this wedding happen. The Jarustiwa's have a tradition of not letting any of their kids get married before the age of 24. We have five years until then, I promise to get you out of this mess." 

"I trust you." Those three words from Kiara were enough for Kavin to start calculating in his head. He will get his sister out of this no matter what, and he will get his best friend out of it as well.

Kiara will marry the person she will choose for herself, and Kavin will make sure of that.


Ren was resting in Mira's guest room- okay he was sulking in Mira's guest room. He scowled at the very sight of the latest news that was open on his phone.

He should be happy that he is finally together with his first love, Mira. But why isn't he? He thought to himself as his scowl deepened.

"Your face will freeze that way, I don't think Kiara would like that look on your pretty face." Mira's soft voice snapped Ren out of his thoughts and his scowl. He sat up straight on his bed and switched his phone off due to embarrassment. 

"I knocked several times, but you didn't answer so I entered, I was worried that you would be sulking all alone in your room, holding back your feelings." Mira voiced as she sat herself on the couch not too far away from the bed, "Are you upset about Kiara and MJ's engagement news?"

"Why would I be upset about that?" Ren scoffed, which made Mira stifle a laugh, Ren was being childish and Ren was never childish, he was born a 40-year-old, "I am just jet-legged."

"Alright, then." Mira got up from the couch, "I will let you rest." She walked towards the door but before exiting the room wholly she spoke for one last time, "It's okay to like her, Ren. You might still have a chance." And she exited the room after dropping the bomb of reality on the teenager.

Hello, guys! Here's the new chapter, sorry for the late update, I was out of town and just came back today. And to tell the truth, I also got a little lost in reading other fan fiction, hehe. Remember the one I told you all about in the last update, that book has got chills running down my spine for real.

Anygays, I heard the news about bill for the same-sex marriage being passed in Thailand, I am sooo happy!! People deserve to marry the ones they love, not be judged for marrying the same gender. 

Also, follow my Instagram account (epicauthorxphotog) for further spoilers of this story or the upcoming ones. And you can always interact and find your fellow K-Pop friends here, talk about your biases and their groups which would also help me write more stories for you all. Thank you...

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