Chapter 2

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     Once in the city, Zane and Pixal took the lead as they approached a familiar blue snake, Scales. "Oh, what a sssurprise. The ninja! It'sss been so long since a vissit." He said as he turned to face the group. "What bringsss you down thisss time?" The snake asked with less enthusiasm than the first greet. "Scales, we are in need of you and your friends' assistance. " Zane spoke up and began talking to the snake. They knew him well from past conversations, experiences, exchanges and fights. At first they were enemies but as of late the groups fought on the same line in battle.
"We do not wish to take up much of your time." He continued.   Lloyd put on his usual warming smile and nodded continuing,
"Trust us, we'll be out of here in no time at all!"
He looked at skales in hopes the snake would help them out.

      The blue scaled serpent looked amongst the group, they were oddly pleading for assistance. "Alright. What issss it?" He asked, raising a brow in curiosity to their pleas. It wasn't often they came begging, usually it was just some sort of agreement or deal struck between the groups.

    "Do you know anything about the tremors from the other town? Others are starting to worry and we're trying to get to the bottom of it. We were hoping you'd know something about it..?" Zane asked, hoping to keep a more docile approach and not stir up too much worry to the ground dwelling snakes. The snake shook his head as he turned to look at the city they stood in. "I don't know anything about any tremorssss. We have not been feeling anything down here." Scales replied, looking at the busy streets of the utopia and its scaly residents. "Why is it you come to ussss? There are so many other sourcesss to look at." It didn't seem like they were getting very far, just as the fire ninja feared. He rolled his eyes and pushed past the nindroid. "Because you guys live down here. Ya know. Underground, where tremors start." He said a bit aggressively, and Scales didn't take it too kindly. Though, the lead serpent wasn't looking for a fight.
"I do not know of such thingsss. It is not my place. However.." he paused, thinking for a moment. "I do know a ssssnake. Although, eheh, he doesss not like surface dwellersss." He chuckled with a tainted smile. 
"it's fine! We can work it through, Please take us to them."
The green ninja spoke up from the back of the group with an uneasy smile. Because, if they didn't talk to this not so open serpentine they'd be back to square one. The snake looked the blonde ninja up and down. He gave a good warning, or what he thought was one, and they were still this urgent. It was definitely odd, and getting concerning. Scales turned his back and began down one of the lamp lit streets in the city, "Follow me, then." He called with a wave of his scaly hand. Kai looked at Nya, who glanced at him, before moving with the group.  It didn't take very long before they reached a darker looking area. It was still just as warm but it didn't feel nearly as joyous.

     "Creepy.." Kai muttered out under his breath. Scales lead them outside a building where he paused for a moment. "I will warn you, ninja. He can be very... cold, to outsiderssss. Especially humanssss." He warned the young adults once more but they didn't seem to care. "Get on with it." Kai scoffed as he pushed the door open.. The water ninja walked along but hesitant of meeting the snake mentioned. She kept on following Scales with the group until they reached a building, presumably where the 'cold, human-disliker' snake lived.  "He won't attack, will he?" She asked directly at Scales hoping they'd have a plan in case whoever was inside did attack, but it was useless since her brother went on and opened the door as soon as he approached it. "He is cold, but he issss not violent." The blue serpent replied before Kai nudged him out of the way.

      As the door was pushed open, the black serpentine stopped and turned his head to look at who was entering. He was in the middle of a conversation with a venomari, who also stopped and looked. When he saw the vibrant colors of those blasted gis he knew who it was. A low hiss erupted from his throat, his piercing yellow eyes narrowing in the direction of the ninja. He waved the venomari off, taking a step or two closer to the group. He held his spear tight, knowing whatever they were here for it was no good. He noticed Kai before anyone, the low hiss returning.
"If it isn't the red ninja." his voice rumbled, yellow eyed glaring at him. But then he skimmed over the rest of the group. He recognized the green ninja, maybe the black ninja too, but he did not know their names. "And company.." he spoke again, tail flicking behind him. "What is this." he growled, gaze once again falling onto Kai, who Kai was more interested in the building they were currently walking into, not used to being front and center in these types of situations. When his 'name' was called out he looked forward. 'Good gods..' he thought. The snake was massive... at least 7 feet tall, sharp orange plates from his forehead to his back and down his tail. Sharp fangs and snaggle teeth poking out from his lips, not the friendliest of sights but no mistaking he was a constrictai. And if anyone knew anything about underground it was constrictai.

Cole trailed along once again, keeping close to the others but making sure to keep an eye out for anything out of the ordinary. Looking towards the opening of the door when Kai pushed it open, revealing a larger part of the serpentine.
Constrictai? Cole rolled his eyes, worst of them all.
"Listen," he spoke up, crossing his arms as his eyes fell onto the newly introduced serpentine. "We aren't here to cause a fight. We simply want information on the tremors, just get on with it and save us the trouble." his tone had a bit more strictness in it. It was true, he hated having to fight the serpentine, much less specifically a Constrictai, but if that's what they had to do to get that information, he would. Brows and heads were turned as the larger one of the group roared out with his demands, even Kai turned his head by the abrupt attitude.
The serpentine's gaze moved from Kai to Cole once he spoke up about the issue. He was very aware of Cole's harsh tone, his tongue flicking in and out as he listened. He only hummed, raising his head up a little higher before he spoke. "Tremors? In general? They happen all the time, what does this have to do with us." He hisses. Already they were asking stupid questions, wasting his damn time. His irritation showed quickly, his tail twitching behind him, tongue flicking in-between his fangs.

    Nya noticed a change in Cole's tone of voice, sounding harsher. She didn't want the constrictai to get offended by this and refuse to help, so she approached the earth ninja and placed a hand in his shoulder, placing herself to his side. "What my friend here was trying to say was that, there has been some reports of odd tremors, concerning ones that don't act as normal earthquakes, and we wanted to see if you knew something about it that could help us.." She said, in an attempt of making the snake forget about Cole's rude tone. . The snake hummed as he heard Nya speak. He had heard from others about strange earthquakes in other towns, though many of the serpentine had not been to those placed in quite some time.
"If you are insinuating that we are the ones behind this you are dead wrong, we have not used those tunnels since we were battling you ninja." he huffed, though he looked down for a moment in thought. "However.. that could mean the tunnels are collapsing, causing these oh-so-tragic tremors." He continued with a small shrug. "Is that what you wanted? Are we done here?"

    The red ninja, who had previously been in his own world, walked over to his boyfriend and sister with a small nudge. "You drag us down here and these are your social skills?" He whispered harshly before overtaking where they stood. "Excuse my sister. And- ...teammate." He added, looking back at the noirette with a harsh glare. Not that he was particularly made with Cole but the fact that the man let his feelings sour the mood between species. 
With a heavy sigh and an adjustment of a leather strap across his chest he turned back to the commanding snake. "We need help. We don't tend to come to the serpentine because we like to sort of go our separate ways," he gestured with his hand "if you know what I mean." Kai winked, earning a small huff from the snake. Pulling back the fun-ish tone he took a more serious expression. If the leaders couldn't do it, it was up to him to get this done with....and to get them out of here.

"If you have information on the tunnels where the tremors are... maybe we could strike some sort of deal..?"

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