She scoffed and looked away. I took one of my coffees and started sipping on it.

"And why didn't you go?" I asked JJ.

"I asked Hotch to let me sit this one out," she said.

"Why?" I asked, squinting my eyes.

I was profiling her. We agreed not to profile each other on the team but it's bullshit. It's human nature to figure one another out, especially in this line of work.

She scratched her nose and looked up. She was going to lie. And if that wasn't clear enough she fidgeted with her necklace, which was her tell.

"I have a thing tomorrow morning, I need to be in town," she said.

I just nodded and looked to Garcia, "I need to get to work. Don't miss me too much mamas."

"Oh, I miss you already, hot stuff. Come and save me from my misery later?"

"You bet I will," I winked.

I took my three mugs of coffee and went to my desk. I called the P.D. to get the files on their UnSub. When I got them I started to build the profile.

I couldn't help but wonder why JJ would lie. And what the actual reason for her staying back was. I don't really care though. I'm just nosy, like my sister.

By the time the team got to New York it was already late. It wasn't a long flight but looking at the crime scenes, talking with the ME and getting settled at the P.D. takes time.

I was almost done with my profile and my coffee was gone so I packed the file in my bag and locked my desk. I went to Penelope's cave and knocked three times.

"It's your knight in shining armor, open the gates princess," I said.

She opened the door with a smile, "You're supposed to break through them," she whined, "You're leaving?"

"Yeah, don't stay here too late. I'll see you tomorrow," I said.

"See ya," she said and closed the door.

I went to my apartment. I took a shower and splashed myself on the bed. I took my phone and texted Emily.

Everything okay?

Weird, cause you're not here. But yeah everything's cool

Dude, you're like, obsessed with me

And you're way too cocky

No man, that's just my trauma talking. How's the case going?

Hopefully it'll go better tomorrow. Why aren't you sleeping?

I had three coffees in a short amount of time. No sleep for me tonight

I on the other hand am looking forward to my eight hours. Talk to you tomorrow, I love you

I love you too, goodnight Em <3

I put my headphones in and listen to some true crime stories the whole night. I didn't realize it was morning until Charlotte started stirring. She's my friend, I let her crash in my apartment when I go on cases sometimes.

"Hey," I smiled.

"Mm, when did you get back?"

"Late. Hotch benched me so I didn't go on the case," I said.

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