22.In Pieces

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Alone in pieces, you found me
Lying lifeless, right here on the floor
Shattered to pieces, you found me
Am I someone that's worth saving anymore?
(Citizen Soldier-In Pieces)

Keira could feel her heart racing madly in her chest. She was in Maya and Carina's car, nervously staring outside the window, not able to say a word. She felt completely detached from her own body, as she wasn't really there. For a while, she contemplated opening the car door and jumping out of it, but of course she couldn't do it. She let out a sigh and forced herself not to burst into tears. She didn't want to cry, not with Maya and Carina around. She thought back to the first time the Italian had brought her to their place. She had felt so anxious, but she knew she would reunite with her brother later. Now, everything was different. She would never see her brother again, not anymore. And that awareness was simply devastating.

"Here we are." Maya announced, parking the car, causing Keira to come back from her thoughts. When the blonde opened the car door to help her out, she immediately stiffened. She didn't want to get out. She didn't want everything to become real.

"Keira, come on." Maya insisted and the girl could do nothing but give in. They silently entered the lift and arrived at the apartment. The drawing of a house on the doormat caused the teen to sense a lump in her throat. She hadn't had a place to live for years. And no matter what everyone could think, that house would never be her home. Because she had no home. Having a home wasn't her fate, she was sure of that.

"Bambina, why don't you have a shower and try to rest a bit?" Carina suggested, hoping that way the girl could feel a bit more comfortable. In vain, of course. Keira nervously nodded, but didn't move. She felt her hands tingling, but kept clenching her fists, trying to ignore the anxiety that was eating her alive.

"I... I don't have any clothes." she muttered. Maya and Carina glanced at each other, only now realizing that they forgot to go buy something the girl could wear.

"You can borrow mine like you did last time, don't worry." the blonde reassured her. "I'll put them on a chair in the bathroom.". Keira nodded, but didn't reply. She just watched Maya bring the clothes and a towel to the bathroom and then gesture her she could go have a shower.

"Bella, you can go." Carina exhorted her, softly. Keira took a deep breath and decided to do as told. She headed to the bathroom and stepped inside. It wasn't large, but not even small. It was very clean though, something she wasn't used to. That had always been something that had impressed her, the cleanliness of that place. Maya and Carina weren't too tidy, especially the Italian, but their house was so clean, not in maniacal way, but as it deserved all the care in the world. And in that moment she felt so dirty compared to it. When she closed the door, she immediately felt like suffocating. She stripped of her own clothes and decided to take a shower anyway, trying to distract herself from the thoughts that were assaulting her own mind. As soon as the water hit her skin, she squinted, her vision starting to get blurry. She closed her eyes, her breath decisively erratic. She could feel his hands on her. She could hear his horrible voice talking to her. Then, darkness wrapped her, like a snake ready to devour her.


"I can't believe we managed to bring her home." Maya claimed, laying down on the bed, next to her wife. They were both exhausted, taking care of Keira at the hospital had been draining. And they both knew it was just the beginning.

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