5.I'm Here For You

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If I could put myself in your place, I'd take all your pain
Just know that I'm here for you
(Jack Curley-I'm Here For You)

When Keira woke up the sun was already out. She could hear the chirping of birds and the voices of people chatting on the street. Memories of the night before flooded her mind. Maya and Carina had been so kind and nice with her and the girl couldn't understand why. All of a sudden, she felt like suffocating. She needed to leave that place, as soon as possible. She needed to go back to her real life. She didn't belong there but to another reality, she was aware of that. She got up and collected her own stuff. She checked the phone, to see if her brother had called or texted her, but he hadn't. She sighed and carefully headed to the living room. There was no trace of Carina, the Italian was probably still asleep in her room. Keira took a deep breath. She tiptoed through the living room and arrived at the hallway. She was about to leave the apartment, when the door suddenly opened and Maya showed up, surprised to see the girl already up and in front of her.

"Well, good morning." she greeted her, a tired smirk on her face. She crossed the threshold and dropped her bag on the floor, under Keira's shocked gaze.

"It's very early. Are you a morning person too? Because I am.". The girl was so confused. Why was Maya behaving as she hadn't just caught her sneaking out from there?

"I... How is Raphael?" Keira found the strength to ask. The firefighter looked at her and bit her own lips. The girl could feel her own heart racing madly in her chest. What if her brother's conditions were more serious than what they had thought?

"He's fine. His ribs aren't broken, but the doctor recommended him to rest anyway." Maya explained, finally.

"And what about his nose?"

"It's broken, unfortunately. But he will get better soon.". Keira breathed in relief. Her brother was fine. Everything would have been fine.

"So, can I leave now?"

"I am going to check on your brother later and if he is okay Carina will drive you to him. He is with a friend now, a certain Kyle, but I want to be sure he can take care of you." Maya told the teen.

"I'm seventeen, I'm not a child." Keira complained, annoyed. "And trust me, he's better with me than with an idiot like Kyle.". The firefighter chewed the inside of her cheek and Keira had the impression there was way more than what she had told her.

"It's his idea." the woman simply said instead, leaving the girl utterly stunned. "I'm going to have a shower now, why don't you have breakfast in the meanwhile? Juice and eggs are in the fridge". Keira shrugged and watched the firefighter walk to her room. Maya smiled at the sight of Carina sleeping, her hair all splayed on the pillow. The blonde stepped forward to her wife and kissed her forehead, sweetly.

"Hey." the Italian mumbled, her eyes still closed.

"Hey." Maya greeted her.

"How is Raphael?". The firefighter didn't answer. She sat on the bed, next to Carina, in silence. The doctor sat up and looked at her, concern in her gaze.

"Maya, is everything okay? Neither you nor Owen texted me when they discharged him.". The blonde waved a hand through her hair and let out a sigh full of sadness and frustration. She stood up and locked the door, then sat on the bed again.

"Amore, you're scaring me." Carina insisted.

"Listen, I have just lied to a seventeen-year-old, give me a second, okay? Please."

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