3. You, The Room & The Devil On Your Shoulder

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Take care of yourself
But you're nothing but trouble
Just the damage of thought
You'll never recover from
How you love
A world you're only dreaming of
(As It Is-You, The Room & The Devil On Your Shoulder)

"What the fuck?". Maya was in shock. They had decided to wait. They had decided that wasn't the right time for a child. And yet there was her wife, a pregnancy test between her hands.

"Maya, it's not what you think."

"Yeah, I see." the firefighter replied, pissed. "Is this why you've been so off lately? How could you?"

"Maya..." Carina tried to say, but the firefighter didn't let her finish.

"Is it ours at least?" she asked, harshly.

"Maya, you know I would never cheat on you!" the Italian replied, hurt by her wife's words. The firefighter shook her head and said nothing. In that moment she knew nothing. She collected her own stuff and headed to the door.

"Maya, please, stop! Where are you going?" the Italian grabbed her by the arm.

"I need to go for a run, Carina. I need to...". A whimper coming from the bathroom caused Maya to stop talking. She frowned, now even more confused than before. She gazed at her wife, silently asking her what was going on.

"Please, promise me you won't react in a bad way. Promise me you will stay and won't run away.". Maya bit her lip, hard. Her old self would have run away from there without even thinking about it. But she wasn't that person, not anymore.

"Fine." she mumbled. "Now please, tell me what's going on.". Carina waved a hand through her hair and pushed the bathroom door. K was still sitting on the floor, sobbing and shaking desperately.

"I'm sorry." she muttered. "I'm sorry, I'm sorry. I'm sorry.".

"What the..." Maya said, decisively confused, but Carina gestured her to stop talking.

"I am going to explain you everything, Maya. But please, help me walk her to the guest room before.". The firefighter nodded and stepped inside the bathroom.

"K." Carina sweetly called the girl. "K, bambina, look at me.". The teen slowly raised her gaze, her blue eyes meeting the Italian's dark ones.

"I'm sorry." she mumbled. "You argued with your wife because of me."

"Everything is fine, piccola. You did nothing wrong." Carina reassured her. "My wife and I are going to help you stand up and walk to the guest room. Is it okay?". K nodded, incapable to say anything at all. They walked her to the guest room and helped her lay down on the bed. Carina sat next to her and caressed her hair, with gentleness. Behind her, Maya felt her heart clench in her own chest. Her wife was so caring, while she was so stupid. She had jumped to such wrong conclusions without even trying to listen to her. However, she had so many questions. Who was that girl? And why was she there?

"Is it positive? Am I... Am I pregnant?" K asked. She looked so scared. She was too young to become a mother.

"No, you're not." Carina told her. K breathed in relief and sat up, now calmer than before.

"I have to go." she said. "Thank you for your patience, I'm sorry you argued with your wife because of me, I..."

"Take some rest, K." Carina stopped her. "We can drive you home later.". The girl didn't have the strength to reply, she was exhausted. She just closed her eyes, waiting for the two women to leave that room. Waiting for them to leave her alone.

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