His thoughts are interrupted as Nalgib enters.

Bolat: oh, you are late.

Nalgib: i know, i know, sorry for keeping you waiting.

Bolat: this book, where did you get it?

Nalgib: ah, i wrote it, why?

Bolat: it is highly detailed, i recommend you to simplify the writing style, don't add so many decorations to every letter, that way you will have more time to focus on another part of what you write.

Nalgib: ill keep that on mind.

Bolat: second, you really did great work with this, emm, counting from 1 to 10, how much is the percentage of nations have you visited?

Nalgib: mmm, four surely, maybe five.

Bolat: not even half?

Nalgib: I've been traveling across many nations due to my presence in the league, and most part of the nations i haven't visited yet have magic prohibited, so if i enter, they'll kill me.

Bolat: what about the living conditions of the nations you have visited?

Nalgib: living conditions?

Bolat: you know, how people lives, their level of knowledge and technology like weapons or buildings, social classes, everything.

Nalgib: well, in Arin and zagroth, the only difference is in the buildings, but yeah, both high and low social classes live the same like here in kemee, however, in praenaera is different, mostly in the north, as you saw in my notes.

Bolat: what about the slavery, or the way the different races live with each other.

Nalgib: if you put it like that, in praenaera and zagroth mostly every race wants to kill the other, the same with slavery, this nation of lizards slaves these races, this human nation slaves these others, this orc nation slaves those, is the same, peasants live poorly while the nobles live with luxuries, and so and so.

Bolat: your way of talking says you don't care, why don't you feel this is wrong?

Nalgib: well, the league is extremely isolated, so we don't take part of either nobility or commoners, so we don't born as this class and die as that class, as many nations have gave us power, we can take even a king as a suspect of dark magic practice and kill them, so we don't get into diplomacy as our mission is to keep both light and dark arts in balance.

Bolat: so if i threat the crown of kemee and take power of the entire nation, you won't act?

Nalgib: if you were a normal undead, yes, but we think you may be a product of either demonic or sacred magic, so the ones who should stop you are the sacred inquisition alliance, and let me tell you, the inquisitors of the league are less than ants compared to the ones of the alliance, so, if a demonic skeleton takes power of a nation, we won't go after you, the alliance will do.

Bolat: and what is their point of view about magic?

Nalgib: it depends on, some religions use magic in their practices, what makes the alliance go after them, take power of that nation, prohibit the magic and you know the rest.

After conversing with Nalqib, Bolat contemplates the implications of the Sacred Inquisition Alliance, a formidable organization comprised of various religions united in their condemnation and punishment of demonic arts. This alliance operates as a totalitarian force, seeking to eradicate demonic religions and their associated practices entirely. Many devout followers have been forced to flee to escape the Alliance's wrath.Considering Nalqib's warning about the potential sacred or demonic nature of his magic, Bolat reflects on the consequences of his threat against the Kemeean crown. However, memories of the atrocities committed by the nobility against his town two centuries ago, and their subsequent mistreatment of its new inhabitants, compel Bolat to prioritize his mission to aid as many people as possible, despite the risks involved.

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