"James' Aura is Chronic Violet, which represents Guilt and shame. I don't know whether James was part of this entire BS or not, but I know he is deep guilt and wishes to Apologize. And James," Ash looks at James.

"I accept your apologize," Ash said with a Smile as James started to tear up. Seeing James crying, other relaxed a bit. While Misty, Paul and Gladion still had residue doubts, they were willing to swallow it for Ash.

"Now everyone, take seat, I am about to serve the Food with others," Delia said in a motherly tone as everyone, including James, took seat. Delia served James first, even before Ash, much to the dislike of Misty, Paul and Gladion but they digressed.

"I-I-I-I am thankful," James said.

"Don't be, you are Ash's friend and thus like a Son to me," Delia said as James lower his head, trying to hide his tear. Delia's statement led to some grunts by some the guests but every digressed the topic for later.

"Let's see what is news is going on," Paul said as he switched on the TV and put a New Channel.


"Welcome back to your Favourite News Channel, Kanto Times! And the breaking News from Pallet Forest ladies and gentlemen! Breaking News from Pallet Forest! Two renounced and infamous members of Team Rocket, Jessie Murrow, daughter of Most Infamous Team Rocket Member, possible late Miyamoto, and the infamous talking Meowth, have been caught in Kanto Forests. An Anonymous caller informed the Police that these two were in the Pallet Forests. When the Police reach the site, they found these two members of Team Rocket tied to a tree. Both of them claim that the anonymous caller was the third member of this infamous trio named James Morgan, who had betrayed them, tied them to the tree and then fled the scene after calling the Police. More information after this break," The reporter says as the screen cut to a Johto tourism ad.


"What the fuc-" Gary said before getting interrupted by Delia

"Language Gary," Delia said.

"Sorry," Gary said.

"Wait wait wait! You betrayed Jessie and Meowth? Why?" Misty asked.

"Everyone, calm down, James, are you comfortable in telling explaining," Ash said looking at a tensed James. James sighed and started speaking.

"So, We recently got all our pokemons back from the Team's Headquarter, so decide to ambush you to steal pikachu..................but........................after seeing the whole commotion, we decided to retreat........................ the whole thing.............................. I don't know it felt wrong. I know we have tricked you guys multiple times, but........................ this betrayal seem........................ just extremely messed up and wrong, even for our standards.................. or should I my standards..................... Jessie and Meowth were mostly indifferent. When I asked them didn't they felt this was absolutely wrong? They said 'If Boss thought it was fine, it was fine,'........................ I just couldn't accept this one........................... I immediately decided to leave Team Rocket and correct my wrongs........................ I knew Jessie and Meowth would not support it......................... So I decide to start correcting my wrongs from them. I gave one last chance to join me in my journey to redemption, I told them they were good cooks, we could start a hotel, but they thought I was mad..................... sadly, I ordered my pokemons to battle them........................ After I defeated them, I tied them to the tree, called Officer Jenny and came here........................ to apologize," James confessed as he took a long breath.

Ash BetrayedWhere stories live. Discover now