Love, Mr. Client || @pleasantmatthew

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REVIEWER: pleasantmatthew

Love, Mr. Client by Afrojarose

Title: 4/5

The title "Love, Mr. Client" suggests a professional relationship mixed with romance. A good office romance isn't bad, for one, it's thrilling. I like the title, it's quite a compelling and potentially thought-provoking title.

Cover: 1/5

The cover is lacking in so many ways. There is no title or author's name on the cover. You just got an image online and dumped it there as the cover.

How could anyone tell what they are about to read? It's simply a picture of two men, it could be brothers, best friends. So I think the cover should be replaced.

Blurb: 2/5

I think the blurb could do better! Does the blurb make me curious to read the book? I'm not sure. Maybe I'm a tad bit curious but that's it.

It could be more creative, more intriguing, and I believe more can be done.

Plot and Plot Development: 15/20

The plot is quite nice, yeah, the designer and the CEO fall in love. The plot has been developed well, we can see how New began working for Tay. However, I think it's progressing too quickly, like it's being rushed.

I like how you portrayed the Thailand setting, even though I know practically nothing about Thailand, I could tell that you knew what you were doing. It's quite commendable.

Character Development: 12/20

You did a good job with Tay, to some extent but with New it's like a mystery. You could take a step back and open up their lives to us so that we can connect better.

Yeah, New is a workaholic, very sarcastic.... What more? What is his life exactly?

Grammar: 8/10

Grammar is quite alright, I could see very few errors but that's it. All in all, grammar was nice.

Flow and Continuity: 3/5

Well, like I mentioned earlier, the book needs a slower pace. It's like you just keep skipping, like "let's just get to where they kiss"... Lol.

However, I didn't see any plot holes, the book is very consistent. I give you that one.

Style: 4/5

Everyone has a unique style of writing and I like yours. Here is a but, it gets quite confusing sometimes who is talking. Sometimes I have to go back and try to figure it out.

Originality: 14/15

The story is quite original, it's a different kind of office romance and I like it.

Overall Impact: 6/10

Overall, I think you did quite a good job with the book. Just a little more improvement in the aspects mentioned above and you are good.

In total, your book review amounts to 69/100.


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