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Average time to review: 5 days

Preferred Genres: Historical fiction, Romance, Action, Thrillers, Fan fiction

Genres to avoid: LGBTQ+, Science Fiction, Adventure, Poetry

Any themes they'll want to avoid: None in particular

What they focus on: Story narration, writing style, vocabulary, character development, plot development.

10+ comments on my book "Damn Your Lies", follow permanently and patience.

NOTE: I will read chapters depending on word limits + intro/prologue + blurb

A small intro about myself

 I am Serena. I am a traditionally published writer for 4 years and an avid reader. The key to get accepted is the community name. I am a writer and graphic designer on Wattpad. I do not give lengthy reviews but my reviews are mostly to the point and detailed in bulletins.

Book Review Request Form:

- Title:
- Author:
- Genre:
- No of Chapters:
- Mature/LGBTQ+
- Review Requirements: (Any specific aspects of the book you would like the reviewer to focus on?)
- Additional Information: (Any additional details or requests)
- Reviewer Tag:

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