Short Stories by Faiza || @vinculi

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REVIEWER: vinculi

Short Stories by Faiza by lostlovefairy

Title & Cover - 2/10

Your title is straightforward and to the point but not very inspiring, the same goes for the cover which has a lot going on and difficult to read text. To help your story appeal to more readers I'd suggest coming up with a more unique title maybe by looking up some published short story collections and anthologies to gather some ideas. As for the cover, I'd recommend going to a cover shop to get something more professional or using Canva because they have some great templates. As it is currently, if I saw this story while scrolling through, I probably wouldn't click just from the appearance of the cover alone.

Blurb - 2/5

The blurb works more like a page of contents. I'd suggest making a contents page within the book instead and writing a more captivating blurb/summary to catch the attention of more potential readers. The individual descriptions/hooks for each short story work well though.

Writing Style, Story Flow, Plot & Characterisation - 29/30

Your writing is lovely and almost poetic. It's descriptive and easy to follow, not to mention it all flows so well. In particular, I love the way you convey emotion and how easy it is to connect with your characters that way. Every story was heart-wrenching and captivated me in a way I wasn't expecting. Although they were short, I felt lost in them and drawn in by the heartache and pain. The plot of every story was heavy and intense and all so gripping in their own way. For the writing alone I'd recommend this book to anyone looking for a good collection of heartbreaking short stories to read.

Grammar & Punctuation - 8/10

There are a couple of minor mistakes here and there, mostly just typos from the looks of it. Otherwise, everything is written very well and is grammatically correct. It just needs a little editing to fix those typos.

Overview, Total - 41/55

Overall, I really enjoyed reading these few short stories of yours. They really pulled at my heart and conveyed so many harsh and dark themes so well. Each one felt so well fleshed out and unique while still fitting within a similar theme to the others which tied them all together well despite them being so different. I would, however, recommend a more poetic, fitting and captivating title and cover for the story to make it more appealing at first glance since we do all judge a book by its cover. Moreover, a warnings page would be a good inclusion since some of these stories include some potentially triggering topics. Maybe a full contents page including a short description for each story and a list of possible triggers in them would be a good idea? 

~ Vincent

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~ VincentWe hope you are satisfied with your review! Don't forget to recommend us to your friends!

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