🏵️ Chapter Twenty : Julia

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As Jeongguk made his way through
the hospital corridor, relying on his walking stick for support, he spotted Lisa.

Her face lit up with a smile, which he eagerly returned.

Lisa held out a plastic bag filled with bread, silently suggesting they spend some time together in the courtyard.

Understanding her unspoken invitation, Jeongguk nodded appreciatively, his grin reflecting his gratitude.

Seated on the bench in the courtyard, Lisa and Jeongguk maintained a slight distance between them.

They nibbled on the bread, occasionally glancing around at their surroundings.

As they sat together on the bench, enjoying the quiet serenity of the courtyard, Lisa felt a weight on her heart, knowing she had to broach a difficult subject with Jeongguk.

"Jeongguk," she began, her voice soft with concern. "Do you ever... remember anything about Julia?"

Jeongguk's expression faltered for a moment before he shook his head. "Julia? Who's that?"

Lisa was taken aback by his response. "You don't even know her?"

Jeongguk shook his head, his confusion evident in his expression.

Lisa hesitated, unsure if it was the right time to reveal the truth.

"Why are you asking about this Julia all of a sudden?" he asked, his tone was curious. "Is she related to me in some way?"

Lisa paused, weighing her options. "I... I must have been mistaken," she lied, unable to bring herself to disclose the truth.

Jeongguk looked at her, accepting her explanation without further questioning.

Lisa couldn't help but feel guilty for withholding the truth, but she couldn't bear to add to his confusion and pain.

As they sat in silence, Lisa's mind raced with conflicting thoughts.

She wanted to tell Jeongguk the truth about Julia, to share the burden of her passing and provide him with closure.

Yet, she couldn't shake the feeling that it was too soon, too raw.

Lost in her thoughts, Lisa was startled when Jeongguk spoke up again. "Thanks for the bread, Lisa. It means a lot to me."

His words brought a pang of guilt to Lisa's heart.

She had been so preoccupied with her own inner turmoil that she had almost forgotten the reason for their meeting - to offer Jeongguk a moment from the confines of the hospital walls.

Lisa nodded, her voice tinged with sincerity. "I'm glad we could spend some time together."

Jeongguk smiled gratefully, his eyes reflecting hope amidst the darkness of his situation.

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