Forgiveness isn't Weak

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Boundaries hurt

But I won't let myself be weak

You only know how to take

So I won't even give you the chance

You only call me when you miss me

I'm just an afterthought for you

Why don't you stop trying altogether

It's much easier to handle a total lack of effort

Please stop caring in brief spurts

It hurts more when I think you care

Being a mere convenience cuts deep

So leave me alone

Let me pull away from you

Especially now that I know you're selfish

If it isn't about you or her you don't care

I don't want someone like that in my life

You've pushed everyone away

All the pointing your finger at someone else

People aren't perfect

They're broken and lash out

But your old friend is working on himself

You don't have to trust him again

I wouldn't ask that of you

But you act like he murdered a loved one

You're just too immature to see

Forgiveness isn't weak

I know because I've forgiven you

I genuinely forgive you for hurting me

But I've set boundaries now

Protecting my heart is my top priority now

I won't let you continue to steamroll me

So take a long look in the mirror

Cause what you did to me was worse

And forgiveness was never even a question

So patch yourself back together

Pull your head out of your ass

And stop complaining

Welcome to your twenties

This is your warm welcome

Now would you please, dear Lord, actually act like it

February 21, 2024

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