Chapter 1

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~10 Years Later~

Kristy's POV

It's been ten years, ten long years since I killed my mate. Ten years since I gave birth to my beautiful son. Today is Chris's birthday, we are having the Royal Ball tonight to celebrate Chris turning twenty. But in human years he is only 10. I heard a knock on the door, then I went to answer it. 

"Hello?" I asked as I opened the door. 

"Mum?" I looked at my son who was standing in front of me.

"Yes sweetie?" I asked him.

"Can you fix my tie?" He asked holding his tie up.

"Come on in." I ushered him inside then closed the door.

"You know I used to fix my father's tie all the time."  I told him as I finished tying it. 

"Really? What about dad?" I stopped what I was doing and looked at him.

"No I didn't. Cause he knew how to tie his own tie." I said then pat his back. 

"While we're talking about dad......" I cut him off.

"Honey, I know you want to know about your father but I don't know if I'm ready."

"Mum please." I sighed.

"Fine. One question." I told him then sat down on the bed.

"What was........ How did dad die?" My breath got caught in throat.

"He was stabbed." I paused.

"In the heart." 

"Do you know who did it?" 

"Now that is two questions." I told him. 

"And it's time to go down to the ball. I need to grab something really quick. So I'll meet you down there." He nodded.


 "Chris do you need me to but you're mask on too?" I teased him.

"No, I think I can manage." I smiled at him. He looked so much like his father. Same eyes, same hair, same smile, and same laugh. I walked over to my jewelry box and got out my red rose necklace. I clipped it on then grabbed my mask. I placed it on my face then started to make my way down the stairs.

"Kristy?" I turned to look at the person. I smiled when I saw my grandmother.

"Grandma." I gave her a hug.

"You look beautiful my dear." I smiled at her again.

"And so does your little one." 

"Grandma he's not little anymore. He's taller then me." I told her.

"You know he reminds me a lot of his father."

"Please don't......." I cut her off.

"Kristy I didn't mean it like that." She told me.

"Grandma, I know you didn't. But it hurts whenever someone brings it up. And especially since you know the truth." 

"You know....."

"It had to be done. Yes I think you guys have reminded me enough." I told her then stormed away from her. 

"Kristy." She called after me. I didn't listen and kept walking. I suddenly bumped into something.


"Oh my goodness I'm so sorry. I wasn't looking were I was going." I told the person.

"I'm fine." The mystery male told me.

"No cuts or bruises?" I asked him my motherly instincts took over.

"No cuts, no bruises." He told me while chuckling a little.

"Well the least I could do is offer to dance with you?" I offered.

"Isn't the guy supposed to ask." I shrugged.

"I like to change things up." I laughed a little.

"Then I accept." He led me into the center of the ball room.

"So I take it by the white dress you're Queen Kristy."

"You guessed correct." I smirked a little.

"I don't think I ever got your name or title?" 

"Well let's just say I'm a king."

"Really?" I asked him. The mystery male spun me around. 

"Yes. Why is that so hard to believe?" 

"Well there aren't that many vampire kings I know of." 

"Well you just met a new one." The song ended and I started to walk off to the side.

"Care to join me for a walk out into the garden?" He asked me. 

"Why not I think my son can manage without me." I told him then started to walk outside. We walked in silence. 

"You know your son reminds me a lot like king........" I cut him off.

"King Niall yes he does look like his father. You're not the first to say that. And I probably not the last either."

"I'm sorry I shouldn't have brought it up."

 "No it fine. I can't change how he looks. So people are going to say that." I told him. 

"I'm sorry to hear about your husband passing." The mystery male told me.

"Thank you. But that was over ten years ago."

"Really it was that long ago."

"Yes it was." I mumbled looked away from the person. 

"If you don't mind me asking, how did you stay alive all these years?" I sighed.

"I don't know. I should have died years ago but I think it's because I was pregnant with my son and he's my life support."  The person nodded.

"Have you ever thought that maybe your mate isn't dead?"

"That would be impossible. I watched as he took his last breath. He died in my arms." 

"Well things can change."  I looked at him confused

"MUM? MUM?" I looked over to the sound of the noise and saw Chris in the doorway looking for me.

"I must go, my son's calling. It was lovely meeting you."

"And you." He took my hand then kissed it. I smiled at him then walked towards Chris.

"Mum where were you?" Chris asked me.

"Out in the garden."  I told him.


"No I had a friend." Who was that mystery person?


Hope you guys like this chapter if you do please comment or vote. Also I would like to send a special thanks out to hstylesgurl for making the new cover which will be posted tonight. I hope you guess like it as much as I do. Also go and check out Kristy's outfit the link is in my bio on my profile. 


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