Chapter twenty-nine

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Day three

"Hey, Shoto!"

Somewhat surprised to see Moe tramping around the halls at such an early hour, that is, three o'clock. Shoto had woken up too early and decided to take the TV back, but heroes usually woke up in an hour or so if there wasn't an emergency call. Shoto shifted the TV in his arms again.

"Hey, Moe."

The flaming assistant caught up with him. "How'd movie night go?"

"It went well. I liked it a lot, and Y/n obviously knew it by heart," Shoto replied. "I'm just returning the TV now."

"Cool. I'll help." Moe grabbed the end of the TV, and they shifted it between them. "So, where is Y/n now?"

"Uhh.." Shoto hesitated. For some reason, he kind of wanted to keep how exactly movie night had ended to himself. What if she told Y/n, who realized what he'd done while she was asleep? That'd least mildly embarrassing. But Moe was looking at him expectantly now, and he wasn't going to lie to her on a whim.

"She fell asleep near the end."

"Ah." Moe gave him a knowing glance as they reached the computer lab and returned the TV to its spot. "And did you leave her in whatever uncomfortable position she fell asleep in?"

Shoto saw no way to sneakily evade the question, so he just mumbled, "uh, no."


Shoto looked up from plugging the TV in to see a smirk on the fiery girl's face. "What are you looking at me like that for?"

"Like what?" Moe's expression slipped into one of mock innocence. "Did you put her in bed, though? Tuck her in? Kiss her goodnight?"

Shoto didn't answer the entirely unnecessary question. Why did she even want to know? Though he was sure the blush on his face gave his answer away.

"That wouldn't be appropriate."

"Well, if you left her comfortable enough, I'm sure she'll thank you in the morning. Or not, if she doesn't remember how she got there. I assume you don't want me to tell her?"

Shoto hesitated again, and shook his head no.

"Alright. Well, good chat, Shoto. See you around." She gave him her end of the TV as they reached the computer lab, turning and strutting away with the confidence, Shoto imagined, only someone who had fire for hair could have. She paused and looked back at him before she slipped into the hallway to look back at him. "Good luck, Shoto."

Then she flounced off before Shoto could process whatever she might mean by that.


"Gooood morning!" Y/n chirped as she raced down the stairs- likely too impatient to take the elevator- "Shoto! I'm so sorry I fell asleep last night, I never got to find out what you thought about the movie!"

Shoto felt a smile tug at his lips. She was acting almost exactly as he imagined- bouncy, light, and full of energy.

"I really enjoyed it. How's your stomach?"

"Got a nifty lookin' bruise from the whole thing, but I found some advil in my room so it's manageable."

Shoto nodded. "That's good then. Here-" He tossed her an apple from the fridge. "Sorry we don't have real breakfast. Everyone else is tracking down a new lead on the Hero Killer case, and you probably don't want me to cook."

Y/n grinned, catching the apple and slipping it into her inventory. "No one ever taught you how to cook, then?"

"Endeavor keeps me on a strict diet whenever I'm at home." Shoto shrugged. "He has been ever since I was a kid."

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