Chapter sixteen

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Nope. I'm getting to the bottom of this. 

Even as I walked away, trying to find my way to the staircase to get into a higher section of the stands, I promised myself that I would get to the bottom of this.

Why was Shoto acting like this?

I had a hunch that it had something to do with his hero training- he told me that he never used his fire powers. He told me that he hated having them, because of how his father treated his family. At the time, I didn't know what to say, so I didn't say anything. I thanked him for trusting me and made sure he got home before passing out from exhaustion from the whole affair at the USJ.

So why was today the day he decided to close up? Why was today the day he decided to push everyone away? Why was he targeting Midoriya, of all people?!

I gripped at my face with frustration, my mind reeling with too many unanswered questions.

Thankfully, an answer came my way very quickly, in the form of a very angry wall of muscle that I had the wonderful fortune of running smack into.

"Umph-" I swore to myself as I was knocked flat on my rear. My nose stung, having collided with what felt like a brick wall.

Said brick wall hissed, "Watch where you're going!"

"My fault, my fault. Stars, that hurt." I rubbed aggressively at my nose and rose to my feet, looking up at who I ran into.

The wall-like force I had run into, was, in fact, the Pro Hero Endeavor. A six-foot-five tower of flaming muscle, snarling down at me before banging past my shoulder. "Damn children."

I stared at his retreating back, personally offended. 

"Jeez. That's Endeavor?" I frowned. "Talk about rough around the edges. Even Shoto wasn't THAT rude the first time we-"

It clicked.

The next second, it was my shoulder banging past Endeavor's as I blasted past him, my head whirling. Endeavor shouted something at me, but I continued to run, not showing any sign that I had heard him.

'Omg how did she forget that Endeavor is Shoto's dad, that's so obvious-' Shush. I had a lot on my mind, okay?! We were all just attacked by villains, and trapping that monster thing had drained a ton of my energy! I am allowed to forget things!

Shoto was gone by the time I located Midoriya, but that was fine. I snagged the green-haired cinnamon roll by the front of his shirt (gently, might I add. See also, Rule #1: Protect the Jellybean) and pulled him back into the tunnel hallway he was walking out of.

"Spill it. Why's he acting weird towards you? I figured out why he's acting weird, but why you? I'm high-key freaking out, this is crazy and I'm really worried for him, you gotta help me."

"T-take a breath, L/n-chan! I-It's alright, seriously!"

I huffed, letting go of him and doing as he asked. "Alright. Can you help me please?"

"Yeah. You already know most of... it..., I'm assuming?"

"He told me after the USJ attack." I sighed. "Walk and talk. Maybe I can grab a protein bar before we have to get back on the field."

Three protein bars each later and a vague explanation of what Shoto didn't tell me- his father's rivalry with All Might, and Shoto's suspicion that Midoriya was connected with All Might in some way, leading to some of his odd behavior.

"I see," I mumbled around the last of my caramel almond bar, "so he's targeting you because of your connection with All Might- you don't have to tell me if it's true or not, I don't care all that much right now- and he's pushing everyone else away because he's trying to prove that he can succeed with only his ice, not his fire or anyone else's help."

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