chapter twenty-eight

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"What are you two doing?"

"Teenage rebellion. Oh, and educating a sheltered child."

"Fuck yeah, stick it to the old people. What kind of education?"

"Princess Bride."

"Computer room's down on the left. Download Disney Plus, password's 'firefighters taken literally'. All one word, and all the Ls are exclamation points. Return the TV when you're done with it."

"Got it!"

I rushed past Moe, grinning wildly as I dragged Shoto down the hallway, practically kicking open the door to the computer lab in my excitement. A number of TVs were lined up around the walls, each one with a display of the city. There were a few of Endeavor's other sidekicks sitting around, watching their monitors. They generally ignored us, though a few waved as I walked up to one of the deactivated monitors, tapped it, and swiped it right into my inventory.

Shoto watched me do so, waiting. "That was easy. I didn't actually have to come along for this." The at he said it made it sound like he wanted something more to contribute to our mission.

"Your presence is never useless, Shoto Todoroki. You are a DELIGHT to be around." I grinned, not entirely sure where the sudden burst of encouraging words came from, but I shrugged it off and grabbed his arm again. "There's nobody I would rather be with!"

He was blushing. That was truly the only word for it. His left wrist in my hand grew warmer, just enough to notice.

"So," he began as I turned sharply on my heel and began to skip out of the room, "why is this movie so... iconic, exactly?"

I ignored his choppy subject change. "Iconic is not the word for it, Shoto! That is a horrific understatement!"

"Well, how would you describe it?"

I considered this. "I can't. No one can sum up its amazing mess in words. Except maybe Shakespeare. But he's dead. You'll just have to be patient to see what I mean."

Shoto nodded as we continued back to my room. "What's it about?"

I grinned "Fencing, fighting, torture, revenge, giants, monsters, chases, escapes, true love, miracles! It's the finest masterpiece of the pre-quirk era, you'll see! There's a book, too. Less people have read it, and it's a bit...well, it ends a bit differently, but otherwise the movie producers did a great job of sticking to the plot. It has the best one liners, too. Like this one." I pointed to the front of my shirt, where the word INCONCEIVABLE! was written in bright white impact font.

Shoto glanced at where I was pointing, then diverted his gaze away immediately, going straight to the ceiling with an ever so faint tinge of red growing up his face. I looked down and realized I was pointing directly at my chest. Whoops.

"Anyway! Uh...let's get this TV set up," I stammered, flustered as we approached my door. I pushed the door open and studied the bedroom for a good place to put the TV.

"Whatcha think? On the trunk thingy?" I asked, pointing at the furniture at the end of my bed.

Shoto nodded. "I think there's an extension cord in the closet. There was one in my room." Heturned, poking through the closet as I pulled the TV out and positioned it carefully on the trunk.

He returned with the cord, and we plugged it in.

"She said the password was...firefighters taken literally, one word, right?" Shoto asked.

"Yeah, and the Ls are exclamation points."


I handed Shoto the remote controller and immediately began to raid the closet for pillows. There were an abundance of them on the top shelf, so I stood there jumping for about twenty seconds before realizing there was a stool in my closet and standing on that, piling the pillows in my arms.

Perfectly Imperfect (Shoto Todoroki x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now