Shoto's Interlude - 2

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Shoto watched, blood steadily dripping down his face, as Y/n collapsed.

A final rush of adrenaline flooded through his body before immediately deadening.

All his senses flooded back: the pain, the noise, Y/n's burned and bruised form on the ground, a hint of a smile on her face.

He stumbled forward, but was cut off by four medical bots wheeling forward with a stretcher. He vaguely registered that one of them was instructing him to follow them to Recovery Girl's room.

His eyes were on Y/n, his body following numbly as the medical droids wheeled her stretcher away. Recovery Girl tittered as they entered the room.

"Ah, of course it's you two. If it weren't for Midoriya, these would be the worst injuries I've seen all day!" She smiled, stepping out of the way of the stretcher and waving Shoto inside.

She patched him up first- Shoto could feel the cartilage shifting in his nose. It wasn't a nice feeling. Shortly after Recovery Girl finished up with him, the door was kicked down and Y/n's entire friend group (plus some) stormed into the room.

"No no no! Out!" Recovery Girl shooed at the closest in the flash mob, beginning to shove them out of the room. "For now, only those in need of medical care. You can see her in a few minutes. Wait outside!"

Everyone grumbled, and a few squinty looks were thrown Shoto's way. He just shrugged at them. He didn't know why Recovery Girl was letting him stay, but he certainly wasn't going to complain. By now, the medical androids had shifted Y/n onto a cot in the corner of the room, and, with a kind nod from Recovery Girl, Shoto pulled up a chair and settled next to her.

From the other side of the room, Recovery Girl cracked her knuckles in a very un-old-lady-like way.

Shoto studied Y/n, and every splash of blue, purple, pink, and red that marred her skin added weight to his heart. He wished he hadn't fought so hard, but...she had asked him to. So no one could fault her for losing. His gaze traveled down her burned arm to her hand, which was laying by her side on the cot, knuckles bloody and bruised. He had no idea how much pain he'd caused her.

His fingers grazed against hers, then gently interlocked. Her hand was warm. This was the first time he had held someone's hand in... how long? He didn't want to think about it.

Recovery Girl chuckled empathetically as she noticed. "Mmmm.. almost done, sonny. Don't worry."

The bruises up and down Y/n's face and arms, scratches on every inch of exposed skin, started to close themselves and return to normal coloring.

"Will...she wake up soon?" Shoto asked quietly. Part of him almost didn't want to be here when she woke, for fear that she'd be upset with him for putting her through the complete hell that was their fight. The rest of him kept him still, kept his fingers intertwined with hers.

"Will who what?" Soft, slurred words drifted from Y/n's split but healing lips. Shoto almost jumped, but was glad he didn't, since it would have jarred her.

Recovery Girl smiled down at Y/n, whose eyes were still closed. "Easy, there. Don't try to talk yet."

"But...Shoto?" Her eyes fluttered open.

"Yes, I'm here," he said, leaning over her so she wouldn't have to move her head or neck. He gently pulled his hand away and set it in his lap. "Stay still. You're still healing."

She made a quiet sound of assent and closed her eyes again.

"Y/n...I'm sorry. About the fight." Her eyes opened again, and staring at him with mild confusion. "I know you asked me not to hold back, but...that was harder than I've gone in a long time."

Y/n tilted her head a little, smiling softly as Recovery Girl retreated and gave her permission to move and talk again. Y/n thanked her and slowly sat up, stiffly swinging her legs over the side of the cot, and patting the space next to her. Shoto switched seats, chest and head turned towards his friend, their eyes locked.

Y/n chuckled. "You really have been beating yourself up about this, huh? It's fine, Shoto. I knew what I had coming when I asked you that. I don't regret it one bit. And you won!" She laughed- God, he loved her laugh. "I'm so happy for you. You deserve it."

Shoto's spirits lifted, and the guilt eased as he slowly returned her smile. Something strange tingled in his arms and hands, and he found himself wanting to lift them and wrap them around her. Should he?

He looked away. Recovery Girl was definitely watching them. She tilted her head towards Y/n, as if telling him to do it.

His mind went blank, and then his arms were rising, curling around her shoulders. He gently pulled her closer, her eyes widening in surprise. A small gasp escaped her lips as she rewarded him with a radiant, beaming smile, and leaned into his chest, her hand coming up and resting on where his arm crossed in front of her collar.

Shoto's brain started to buzz with flurries of anxiety. Nervous thoughts invaded his mind, bouncing off each other and making it so hard to focus. Was this okay? Should he have asked? She's so warm. Was he doing this right? Is she comfortable? Why did he do this? Was this awkward? Should he let go? Who came up with the concept of hugging, anyway? Whose idea was this?

After several moments of silence that he couldn't tell was comfortable or uncomfortable, he dropped his arms, pressing his hands into the cot. Y/n straightened, still beaming at him.

She opened her mouth, closed it, opened it again, gave up, and leaned her head into his shoulder, sighing contentedly.

Shoto felt a faint warmth crawling up his face as the corner of his mouth twitched.

Y/n glanced at Recovery Girl. "How long was I out?"

"Only a minute or so," Recovery Girl smiled, tucking away some papers in a file drawer. "You didn't miss anything. I expect they have the podiums up for you now, actually. Why don't you go ahead and go? I think you're healed up enough."

Only two minutes? It felt longer.

Shoto stood, and, hesitatingly, offered a hand to Y/n. Her grin brightened again, and she took it, the action sending an odd feeling through his chest.
Hand in hand, they walked through the open office door, thanking Recovery Girl thoroughly before taking their leave.
The hallway, thankfully, was devoid of any flash mob of Y/n's friends- they must've returned to the stadium instead. Y/n and Shoto fell into step together as they walked, his left fingers laced with her right.

A few passers-by congratulated the pair of them as they walked, a few gazes lingering on their joined hands but not commenting. Shoto thought he might die right then and there if they did.

He couldn't bring himself to pull away, though. Not when Y/n's touch was so wonderful.

They stepped out into the light of the stadium and were escorted gently to their posts, Shoto standing in first, Y/n in second, and a scowling Bakugou in third.

Shoto's hand still buzzed where Y/n was holding it, like the feeling was imprinted into his brain.

He watched, seeing but not all there as All Might made his grand entrance, ready to present the medals.

It was ironic, wasn't it? That the outcome Shoto had been fighting so hard against came true? Shoto had won the festival- he had won using both his powers. His fire and his ice.

Was this what Endeavor wanted?

Beside him, Y/n pulled back from All-Might's embrace and inclined her head, thanking him. Her gaze then turned to Shoto, giving him a massive smile, sunlight radiating off of the silver medal around her neck.

No. Endeavor wanted Shoto to stand on this platform alone, surrounded by strangers. It was never Endeavor's plan to have Shoto's friend- his closest friend- standing right beside him, encouraging him with her joy.

Shoto wanted to be here with her. That was something no one could take.

Shoto dipped his head as the weight of the gold medallion settled around his neck, and All-Might pulled him into a light embrace.

It wasn't as good as Y/n's hugs, but it was nice all the same.

Perfectly Imperfect (Shoto Todoroki x Reader)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon