chapter twelve

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Wednesday, 5:35 P.M

Contact name changed from L/n to Y/n

5:35 P.M. Shoto: I'm home.

5:35 P.M. Y/n: Glad to see ur home safe

5:36 P.M. Y/n: See u at school <3

Saturday, 8:32 A.M.

8:32 A.M. Y/n: Hey

Shoto glanced down at his phone, pushing his half-finished breakfast to the side to open his messages.

8:33 A.M. Shoto: Good morning.

8:33 A.M. Y/n: Got anything going on toda

8:33 A.M. Y/n:  *today?

8:34 A.M. Shoto: I don't think so. I have training later on in the day, but other than that, I don't think I'm doing anything. Why?

8:35 A.M. Y/n: Wanna hang out? Theres a cool place somewher between my place and ua so it shouldnt be too far fir either of us.

8:35 A.M. Y/n: sry for text speak autocorrect is having an aneurysm or smth

8:36 A.M. Shoto: I think I can make it. What kind of place?

8:36 A.M. Y/n: Ice cream parlor and shopping district. Gimmie a sec to find the address

8:36 A.M. Shoto: I'll do my best to be there. What time?

8:37 A.M. Y/n: 10 or 11 work for u?

8:37 A.M. Shoto: Sure.

"You made it!" Y/n shouted, waving with her full arm as Shoto gingerly stepped off of the city bus. He lifted his hand and gave her a small wave in return.

"Don't look so surprised. I told you I'd be there." His heart fluttered a little at her joyful expression. He liked seeing her happy, though he isn't sure why she was. All he did was show up. It's not like his presence was anything special, anyway.

Y/n grabbed his arm and pulled him away from the bus, grinning. "I'm not surprised, I'm excited! Ice cream awaits!"

He nodded. 

She said these things so casually. Well, of course she did. She was normal, in that way. She had even mentioned going to this place with Uraraka a few days ago, didn't she? It's not unusual for kids to go out and have fun. It was normal. He wasn't.

Uraraka was like a sister to Y/n, wasn't she? Or maybe she was actually her sister. No amounts of denial from either party had put that rumor to rest, yet.

Oh, Y/n was looking at him again. Her face was softer than before. Still smiling, just more at ease. More welcoming.

He liked seeing her like that as well.

"What's on your mind?" She asked. He looked down at the pavement, watching the cracks move away as they walked past them.

"Can I admit something?"


Shoto glanced at her, shoving his hands in his pockets. "I've never exactly had ice cream before. My old man always kept a close eye on what I ate."

He didn't look away, this time, and watched as Y/n's face twisted into something bitter. But before Shoto could leap into his excuses- that he didn't mind, he didn't care, he wasn't missing anything- when her grip shifted from his arm to his hand and she proudly declared, "Then today is the day that is resolved! Let's go!"

And she continued tugging him along, smiling just as wide as ever and practically glowing with determination.

The bell in the doorway jingled as Y/n shoved it open, happily waving to the young adult behind the counter. "Heya, Kokichi!"

The boy looked up from his cell phone, playing with the tips of his purple hair. "Hey, if it isn't my favorite customer! And who's this?" He pointed playfully at Shoto, who suddenly felt uncomfortable. Y/n laughed.

"Friend from school! I'll take my usual- c'mon, Shoto, pick what flavor you want for your ice cream." Kokichi gave a thumbs up and looked back down at his phone. Y/n smiled, gesturing to the glass case of ice cream on display.

He ended up going with vanilla, while Y/n took (ice cream flavor).

The two walked outside after a brief back-and-forth on who would pay, in which Kokichi got so annoyed he insisted it was on the house and booted Y/n and Shoto out. That worked fine for Shoto, who sat down on a wooden bench next to Y/n, who began to tear into her ice cream, sucking on the top of it.

Shoto looked at his for a moment. 

"Well? Go ahead!" Y/n laughed. Shoto frowned.

"Why do you have your phone out?"

"I'm waiting for you, dummy! Go!"

And so he did. He bit into the ice cream, feeling his eyes widen. He swallowed and immediately went back in for another bite.

More laughter. He likes Y/n's laugh, he thinks. It's loud and sweet and unafraid to be heard. 

"Is it good?"

"It's amazing."

About halfway through his ice cream, a sharp pain erupted against his temple. He winced, setting a hand against his head as he grimaced. Out of the corner of his eye, he saw Y/n hold up her phone again. 

"Brain freeze?"

"Is that what it's called?" He glanced up at her, watching her put her phone away.

"Yep." She grinned, taking another bite of her cone. He frowned.

"Seems like an odd name for it. Your brain isn't actually freezing."

"But it feels like it, right?" She poked his shoulder.

Shoto blinked. "Not really."

Y/n laughed again. Yes, he really did like her laugh.


"And where have you been all day?" Endeavor glared, watching as Shoto set down his bag. Outside, the sun was just beginning to set. Shoto ignored his tone.

"I was out with a friend." He answered, voice even. 

Endeavor raised an eyebrow. "What friends?"

"Someone I met at school."

A scoff. "Whatever. Get changed. We're training tonight."

"Mmm." Shoto nodded. These were typical interactions between him and his 'father'. Shoto found that things often went smoother between them when he acted this way. Short sentences, quick answers, even tone. 

It was stifling.

Shoto left for his room, closing the door gently behind him, ever so careful not to close it too loudly. He felt his phone buzz in his pocket.

6:38 P.M. Y/n: (27 attachments)

6:38 P.M. Y/n: Thanks for the awesome day! I took these and figured you would want them. We should do this again sometime!

Shoto blinked as he opened the attachments. Y/n had taken pictures.

Y/n laughing as Shoto held his head with a brainfreeze.

Y/n pointing at a dress she liked in the window.

Y/n blushing profusely as Shoto bought it for her.

Y/n pulling him into a hug, her expression caught mid-laugh as Shoto stumbled.

He stared down at his phone, feeling the corners of his mouth twitch and pull into a smile.

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