What's wrong with him?

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I have been staying at the pack house for a while now, my parents came back and wanted to see me, so I had to leave. I didn't want to, but I'm not at that age as yet to do whatever the fuck I wanted.

So, leaving Arlo for a couple of hours wouldn't kill anyone. I scowled, not liking the idea. But it had to be done, no matter how I felt about it.

Now, here I am sitting at the dining table eating with my parents. I cherished moments like this, we weren't really that close knitted, but we often spent time together as much as we could.

“So Micah, I'm going to be home from now on. Your father's work is a bit hectic so he will be busy. You don't have to stay at the pack house anymore.” My food was forgotten the moment Mom said that. I scowled at her, wishing that she could keep her damn mouth shut.

“He doesn't want to do that sweetie, so there's no use forcing him. He's twelve years old, and he has numerous people watching over him whenever we are busy.” Dad said, I thanked the goddess since I was about to say something I'm sure I would regret later.

‘You just don't know how to keep your mouth shut.’ Seff said, I didn't waste any time in blocking him.

Shortly after that, the door opened and Marcus and Manny walked in. Marcus had a bag in his hand, while dangling it in the air with a grin on his face.

“Cookies anyone?” I started nodding, wanting a cookie, but the look that mom shot me had me stopping.

“It doesn't have weed in it, I promise. I knew you would react like that.” Marcus doubled over from laughing, while Manny was shaking his head at his mate.

“I don't even know how I dealt with you all this time, I should have rejected your sorry ass.” Manny said, which put a pause to Marcus's laughing.

“You're not being dead ass right?” Marcus asked his mate, it got quiet for a couple of seconds before Manny started laughing.

“Got yah! You should have seen your face! How could I ever reject such a hot man such as yourself? Not to mention the things that dick of yours can do.” My eyes became wide, not believing that Manny had said that.

“Get out!” Mom started shouting. She took up a fork and started chasing them with it. Dad, however, remained seated while eating.

“Get out, get out, get out!” Mom continued to shout. I groaned and shook my head.

Goddess help us all.

Micah (BxB) Where stories live. Discover now