Getting fed up

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I found myself missing school the more I trained. Each day, as I got ready, Alpha Jonathan would tell me that I was needed for something else, so I had to stay home. It was also affecting Jacob, but he held a restraint that I couldn't.

My freedom was snatched away from me, in the blink of an eye.

I still didn't understand why I needed to train this early, I wanted to finish school first, but they thought that it would be too late.

Now, here I am, sparring with a fed up Jacob. I could feel his emotions, coming off him in waves. I hadn't said anything to him about it, which was a bit selfish of me. But, I chose not to.

“Again!” Jacob ordered. For the fifth time today, we had been doing this nonstop. I was tired, and I felt my head starting to hurt me. I was also desperately in need of a shower, but that wasn't going to get me out of this.

Jacob and I started sparring again. He ended up winning each time, even though I had given it my all. He would shake his head and shout at me that I was too slow. That I wasn't getting it, I should think about the pack and how I am going to protect them at this pace.

I growled, getting fed up with this already. It was time for me to take back my life. To take back control, I needed to stop allowing people to tell me what I should and should not do.

With that in mind, I threw down my sword and started walking away from a surprised Jacob.

He didn't expect me to act this way, so my actions came as a surprise to him.

“Landon, what the hell?” I felt a tug on my arm, and then I was turned around to face Jacob, who was fuming.

“I'm done with this shit. I'm taking control of my life, whether you approve of it or not!” I shout, he took a step back, finally figuring out that I was at my breaking point.

“No one gives a damn about how I feel! I know that I had agreed to this, but pulling me out of school is where I draw the line! Fuck, I have to wake up at 4 am every fucking day just to beat the crap out of those useless warriors.” I know that I was ranting, but it's time for me to stand up for myself before it's too late.

“It's not like that and you know it. You're a beta wolf, you need the training so that you can take care of your pack.” I narrowed my eyes at Jacob, wondering if he was getting dumber.

“As a higher ranked wolf, it's our duty to take care of our pack. That can be done by instinct, not training. We will know what is needed to be done, without having anyone tell us what to do.” I replied calmly. Jacob sighed while shaking his head.

“You're right, but you still need the training. At the very least, let it happen in the weekends. You can go back to school, I will ask Dad not to interfere anymore.” At least he was listening to me. I breathed a sigh of relief, knowing that he had stopped fighting me about my decision.

“I'm going to take a shower and get something to eat. Talk to you later.” I didn't wait for his reply, as I hurriedly walked away from him.

It was a good thing that this happened, right?

Micah (BxB) Where stories live. Discover now