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At a young age of twelve, Micah's parents decided that it was time for them to return to their pack, the Red Forest Pack. Micah's father is always traveling for his job, but because his parents are fated mates, they couldn't stay away from each other for too long.

So, where one goes, the other will be there. But, two weeks ago, Micah's parents decided that it was time to go back since his father's contract had ended.

Micah was excited. He couldn't wait to move, since he had missed his pack a lot.

Upon carrying his luggage to the truck, Micah spotted his parents in a heated make-out session and started to fake vomit. They heard him and shooed him away playfully before returning to their kiss.

Micah didn't understand mates. He hated it with a passion. As years went by, he had learned a lot from humans. Where they could get married and divorce whenever they wanted, a mated pair was in it for life. Unless….

'Don't even think about it.' Micah's wolf, Seff, said. Micah scoffed and pretended like he wasn't considering rejecting his other half if the goddess was stupid enough to bless him with one.

He hated the idea of being tied to one person, to be dependent solely on them. Micah was keen on exploring his sexuality. He knew that he was gay, heck he came out to his parents and he was shocked that they accepted him so easily.

Micah was still young, so he had years before he could explore. But that doesn't mean that he wasn't thinking about it!

So, with his mind made up, he decided that he didn't want a mate. There were plenty of fishes in the sea, and he'd be damn if he wasn't going to try and catch them all.

'So independent.' Seff muttered, hating the idea of Micah experimenting on anyone else who isn't his mate. The dark brown wolf with white on the tip of its tail often had to argue with his human about the importance of having a mate.

But the mixed boy was stubborn, and no one could tell him what to do. He didn't want a mate, and he was sticking to that.

Furthermore, mates can be possessive, controlling, and borderline abusive! What if he ended up with someone like that? He shivered at the mere thought of having to go through something like that.

Heading to his room for his final luggage, Micah tugged at his cargo shorts as he thought about where life would take him. He was young, and already it was weighing on his shoulders, making him groan. He ran his hand through his curly brown hair while sighing. Acting as if he were stressed by the thought of having a mate.

No one understood him. It's like what he says doesn't mean anything, so he had to prove to everyone that he was serious.

Micah missed his cousins, Marcus and Manuel, also known as Manny. They lived at the Red Forest Pack, but they lived by themselves. That's what his parents were going to do. They already got their house situated quite a distance away from the pack house.  They didn't want anything to do with the pack life, so his parents wanted to act independently. A trait that Micah had gotten from them.

As his dark brown eyes looked over his room one last time, an evil thought flashed in his mind. It didn't matter that Micah was only 5'6 (167.64 cm) his short stature made up for his attitude. Everyone was afraid of him due to his sharp tongue.

Micah had a problem with saying exactly what's on his mind. He knew that one day, his mouth was going to get the better of him.

Micah enjoyed pulling pranks. He did so on his classmates all the time, and he was going to miss them a lot. Living in California wasn't so bad, but now he has to go back to Norway, Europe, and he wasn't sure if it was going to be a good idea.

“Micah, hurry already, quit wasting time. We are leaving in twenty minutes!” Micah's mother shouted from below the stairs.

Grabbing his luggage, Micah squinted his eyes with one final parting gift;

He farted and ran.

It smelt like rotten eggs in there! He couldn't risk getting sick from it.

After that, Micah went back to hating mates.

That's all that was on his mind, for the entire journey.


This is part two for my story that's call Arlo. If you haven't read it, please be sure to do so.

This story can also be read as a standalone.

Please more, that this story will start off in the past, and then it will go back to the present when Micah is seventeen. I have written this so that you can get a sense of what it was like when my characters were young.

There will be mention of abuse, control and possessive behavior. If this is not for you, that's ok, I will understand.

Writing Micah's story as always been a struggle for me, I had to delete over sixty thousand words for this story before, since it wasn't what the readers wanted.

But, I will try my best to continue this and to make it fun as well.

Thanks for reading.

Until next time….

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