Chapter: Resilience

Start from the beginning

"Well, thanks to your artillery show, you sank our boat and that ended up stranding one of our friends here. I was hoping if you could send out a search party to look for him."

The general suddenly stopped in his tracks then turned around to look at the girls with a wide eyed expression.


"Uh...yeah? Black hair, gray eyes. He was wearing a brown coat too."

"For once." Amelia mumbled with a scrunch of her lips.

Dru was now sure of his worried realization. "Come with me, quickly!" He ran off.

The confused members of Myth looked at each other and assumed that they had already found Cyrus. They chased after him.

Nudging and dodging through a sudden crowd that formed ahead of them, the girls finally caught up to Dru and noticed that they had walked through a large arc shaped gate.

"What's going on here?" Kiara asked.

"We didn't know you were on that ship. When we brought it down, we captured a human male and took him as a prisoner."

"Prisoner...? Why would...Oh no." Gura let out a shakey gasp before picking up her speed and brushing through the crowd.

"Why oh no?! What's happening?!" Calli demanded an answer.

The group finally happened upon what looked like a glass dome. It was surrounded by a railing which had people leaning against it to look into it.

Seeing the General and Gura approaching, the people backed off to let them all stand watch as they look inside the dome.

"Prisoners have two options in the grand jail, either rot away in their cells or fight each other for a chance to be freed. A bizarre tradition but Atlantis has long turned this prison into a battle arena."

"And Cyrus is in there with other criminals?!"

"I'll try and stop it, stay here and try looking for him." Dru ran off while the girls glued themselves to the dome.

"There's alot of them down there!" Ina yelled.

"Yeah but only one's winning." An old man caught the girls' attention as he stood next to them. "I've been here for hours and I've only seen one guy stepping out alive in these fights."

"Wait, alive?!"

"There's no rule against taking your opponent's life in the arena."

"What kind of place is this?!" Amelia clenched her head and yelled loudly.

Their panic was suddenly interrupted when the sound of glass shattering silenced the entire crowd. An atlantean was thrown out of the dome, unconscious upon landing.

Looking back inside, the livers bore witness to a relieving yet also horrified sight of Cyrus. He was standing slumped over in the center of the area, bleeding from his head and his shoulder, which was visible due to the fact that his sleeve was ripped off. But that's not what got the girls in a panic.

What terrified them was the spear lodged in his lower abdomen.


He didn't try looking up. He had other matters to attend to, which were the remaining prisoners who were approaching him for another round. A total of six were snarling at him, and he delivered their request.

Two jumped at him from both sides. Cyrus elbowed one in the face then jumped back to avoid the second one. After a quiet scream, he ripped the spear from his body which made the others cringe. Using his how acquired weapon, he slammed the spear head onto the ground and broke it off. Wielding it as a staff, he swung and knocked out one attacker then charged at the other, holding the spear horizontally which was brought up to the criminals neck then forced him up against the wall.

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