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I was at the bar with Sadie. She talked about the plan. How Arthur was gonna get on a hot air balloon to look over the prison John was staying at.

She had left to the bathroom. I drank my beer, then I heard someone come in.

"Hey." Arthur sat next to me.

"Hey," I was shocked when I saw Authers face. "you alright?"

"Yeah." He nodded.

I took a sip of beer. "You don't look alright." I told Arthur. His eyes, they looked terrible. He was pale, his eyes were red and puffy, and his lips were a bluish purple color.

"I'm just a little sick is all. It's nothin'" He said and I looked at him concerned. "A little? You look like hell, hermano."

"I'm fine." He reassured me and I nodded slowly. "Okay..."

"Any problems coming in?" Sadie came in and Arthur shook his head. "Nah."

"Guess they know we ain't in the city no more." Sadie said and Arthur cleared his throat. "Who? Mr Milton's friends?"

"Yeah, they've had patrols out ever since you all disappeared." Sadie answered. "Well, at least you're alive."

"For now, yeah." Arthur said oddly seriously.

"What happened to Dutch, in Guarma? Because he seems..." Sadie whispered almost and Arthur shook his head. "I don't know. Seems what began happening in Blackwater, began happening years ago, maybe. A slow decline, I guess."

"What do you mean slow decline?" I asked as we began walking out of the tavern.

"I ain't really sure."

I thought about it. Why didn't Sadie ask me? And what did Arthur mean by slow decline? He was acting as if Dutch had lost his mind. Maybe i'm naive, but I think he just needs time.

We rode to our destination. A balloon came into view and Sadie chuckled. "She's a beauty, isn't she?"

"From here on the ground, yes." Arthur answered and I chuckled.

"Mr. Bullard?" Sadie called out and he raised his hand. "Ah, Mrs. Adler. It's good to see you." He got out of his little balloon.

"This is my friend I told you about." Sadie said. "Mr. Morgan."

"Ah, yes." The man greeted. "Arturo Bullard, at your service, sir." He looked over at me. "H-Hola, ma'am."

I nodded and he looked back at Arthur. "Well, it's a nice fresh day for flying, sir." He led him to the balloon. "A nice day like this and Icarus would have made it across the sea." He laughed. "You ever flown before?"

"No..." Arthur answered as they went inside the balloon.

"Well, it's quite a thing." The man answered and Arthur looked back at us. "Aren't they coming?"

"Oh, women can't fly, sir. Are you insane?" Mr Bullard laughed and Arthur gave him a confused look. "They can't?"

"Oh, no, sir. It does terrible damage to them- to their vapors. And Mexicans? Well, that's a whole other story." He said. "I thought everyone knew that." He looked at Sadie. "Why, a delicate flower like Mrs Adler? Heavens above..."

I looked over at her and laughed. "Delicate flower, huh?"

She chuckled a little. "Shut up."

"Where'd you find this guy?" Arthur asked and Sadie laughed. "I told you you two would get on."

"Alright, misses, wish us luck!" Mr Bullard looked over at us. I tipped my hat. "Good luck, you two."

"Alright," He looked at Arthur. "Just pull on that rope and hope for the best." He order and Arthur did it. They began floating in the air.

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