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I woke up to Karen hugging me tightly. I groaned as I tried to push her off with my good arm. "Get off, Karen."

"Oh, stop your whining." She said with a sleepy voice. "It's too cold, I just need ten more minutes."

I stopped struggling and laid there for five more minutes. After those painful five minutes, I finally pushed her off.

"Hey!" She yelled for me. "I said ten minutes."

"I tried to be nice and give you five." I stretched standing up. I put on my boots and walked outside. The weather was getting better. It wasn't snowing anymore and the wind calmed down.

The men were getting on their horses and I looked at Dutch confused. "What's going on?"

"We are on our way to rob a train." Dutch said. "You coming?" He asked and I laughed. "Look at me." I shook my head. "Of course not."

"Scared you might fall off that horse again?" Micah laughed condescendingly.

I rolled my eyes. "You know what, Micah? I hope that train runs you over."

He just laughed as they left. Oh, how I hated Micah.

I looked over at my horse. He was new. I got him a month ago after my old horse died. She was a good girl. Her name was Mari. She did right by me. I was so beaten up when she died. Hosea got me a new horse not long after. He was pretty big with a beautiful grey coat. I named him Angel which was ironic considering how terrible he was. He was feisty. While fleeing from Blackwater, the bastard bucked me off, breaking my arm. I usually got along with all my horses. I didn't understand what I was doing wrong with him.

I walked over to Hosea. "I thought we were lying low."

"So did I." Hosea sighed. "But it appears Dutch has other plans."

"So, where are we heading? I mean, if they rob that train, we'll have to leave as soon as possible." I told him and he nodded. "Yes, we will. We're planning on heading East."

"East?" I asked surprised. "How are we gonna make it out there? Dutch can barely lay low out here, imagine out there." I told him and he nodded. "I know." Hosea looked over at Ms. Grimshaw. "Miss Grimshaw, please help me get everyone to start packing."

"Okay, ladies and gentlemen," Miss Grimshaw yelled. "I want everything packed up and loaded into the wagons! Let's go!" She ordered and I shook my head. We're running from the law and this is what we do?

I couldn't help but doubt Dutch's methods some times. Robbing that boat in Blackwater was a mistake.

In my defense, Dutch made it sound so easy. But everything went wrong back there. I ended up killing more lawmen than I ever allowed myself to. We lost Jenny and Davey. I lost Sean.

"Alright then," I gave Hosea a pat. "i'll start packing."

"Alright, dear." He told me and I walked over to my cabin. I walked in and looked over at Karen who was still sleeping. "Hey!" I threw the blanket off of her. "Get up. We're leaving."

"Oh, jesus, you're turning into Miss Grimshaw." Karen groaned.

"Well, maybe she's right about you all being lazy." I told her. "Come on, let's get this place packed up."

Karen and I put everything in our cabin into boxes. I later, went over to Tilly's cabin. I stepped in and saw Mary-Beth reading a book instead of helping. I laughed. "Miss Grimshaw would kill you if she saw this."

"Oh, i'm not afraid of that woman." Mary-Beth said walking out of the cabin with the book in her hands.

I smiled at her, then turned to Mrs. Adler who was in the same place as always. Sitting by the window. "So..." Mrs Adler exhaled. "I heard y'all was robbing a train."

𝐓𝐎𝐔𝐆𝐇 𝐆𝐈𝐑𝐋 | 𝐒𝐀𝐃𝐈𝐄 𝐀𝐃𝐋𝐄𝐑 𝐗 𝐎𝐂Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu