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this mission was the most shocking while playing

"Hey." I approached Sadie and she gave me a smile. "Mornin'."

"Good morning." I gave her a kiss on the lips.

It had been a two weeks since Kieran. Sadie and I quickly pushed our argument aside. I wasn't stubborn. I didn't mind apologizing. Besides, Sadie was something I couldn't afford to mess up.

"I hear y'all are robbing a bank today." Sadie said and I nodded. "Yup. I'm a little nervous to be honest."

"Nervous?" Sadie chuckled. "How come?"

"Well, I ain't ever robbed a city bank." I cracked my knuckles nervously. "Honestly, it all seems like too much of a risk."

"Well, why don't you tell Dutch that?" Sadie asked and I chuckled. "Oh, Dutch doesn't want to hear that. He'll just call me a doubter and unimaginative."

"Hm." Sadie hummed. "Well, maybe I could come with y'all. We'll be partners in crime, me and you."

"Ha." I said sarcastically. "No."

"What? Why not? I'm just iching to get out this place." Sadie said and I shook my head. "Trust me, there's more to this life than just swinging a gun around. It's best if you stay back."

"Oh, please, I could handle myself just fine." Sadie said and I laughed. "Slow down, Lady Ricketts." I joked. "I know you can handle yourself, there's no doubt of that. But right now, there's no time to change the plan."

"Alright." Sadie sighed. "You'll regret it though."

"Sure." I gave her a kiss. I smiled and I she did the same. "You gonna get a fancy getup?"

"Yeah." I nodded. "Can't look too suspicious, Dutch says."

"Yeah, sure, a group of men in costumes won't look suspicious at all." Sadie said sarcastically and I nodded. "I know, I know, but... we're in good hands with Dutch. Whatever happens, i'm sure it'll be fine."

"I hope so." Sadie told me. "Come on, let's go get you ready."

We went into the house and got ready in Mollys room. She let us borrow it for this.

"Okay," I breathed out finally getting the dress on. "Come tie this for me."

Sadie approached me and tied the ribbon. Once she finished, I turned around to show her the dress. "How do I look?" I stood there uncomfortably and Sadie laughed. "Like you could hardly move. Loosen up a bit."

"I don't know why these dresses have to be so... gross feeling." I said turning around to look at myself in the mirror.

Sadie chuckled. "Most dresses aren't. It's just these fancy city ones." She hugged me from behind. "But you look great regardless, darlin'."

I smiled at her calling me darling. "Thank you."

Sadie kissed my neck with a hum. "You ready, cowgirl?"

"Yeah." I sighed. "Let's go."

"I'll meet you out there." Sadie pulled away and I nodded. "Alright, i'll see you."

I made my way outside. Hosea noticed me. "Rosa, my dear, you'll be riding in with Charles." He told me and I nodded. "Alright."

I went over to Charles who was sitting in a wagon. He reached his hand out and helped me on. "Thank you." I smiled softly and he nodded. I took my seat next to him.

"Y'all waiting for someone?" Sadie came outside I nodded. "Yup, waiting on Arthur."

She chuckled. "She sure does take her precious time. In the mean time..." Sadie pulled out a camera. "smile, you two."

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