4. Night with him

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Naisha ~

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Naisha ~

I'm lying wide awake over the bed, tossing and turning, fidgeting with my fingers. Wasn't I feeling drowsy a few moments ago ?? Yes, but right now I'm in such an opugnant condition.

I adjust my pillow and try to shift my focus on the wall painting of a fish. I observe it for a bit, but Sleep is miles away from my eyes. The thought of his presence just beside my room is hurling ripples of euphoria through my whole body.

It's just a wall right !!!

And then It's him !!

What is he doing right now !!

Umm, maybe sleeping !!

Or maybe engrossed in a physics book with that grumpy handsome face !!

Or maybe ----------

Suddenly the thought hits me like a train that Prof Sharma's assignment is pending. That's literally the worst paper of this semester.

I get up, take out my books and files and start working on it. The arduous equations are strangling my neurons. Maybe a cup of strong coffee would have deslumbered my brain. But hey I'm in a stanger's house, I can't go and order people around.

If Mami was here, she would have made me my favorite coffee, The moment I think about her a smile stretches on my lips. She's the one whom I've known as my mother since childhood. The beacon to my darkness. Both Mama and Mami has been the pillars of unwavering love and support to my Drowning life. Without them I'm null.

I transpose my attention towards my quantum physics paper again. I'm yawning and literally zoning out.

Why is it so boring !!
And so difficult !!

Maybe working on them in fresh air under the sky is a good idea, I used to do this in my grad college too. Whenever I used to feel my brain is saturated, I went to the terrace to refresh my mind.

I collect my notebooks and go to the balcony. It's not exactly a balcony but a terrace cum balcony, This family is really super rich and I still don't know what their exact source of income is . But they all seem to be very generous people.

I arrange my books on the table and start working on the questions.
After solving some of them, I'm stuck on the most difficult one.

How to do this !!
Which method do I use !!
I forage through the books but I'm left with utter disappointment. It's nowhere.

I scratch it and work on it again, again scratch it, again and again I just keep on doing it.

" You have to use Hamiltonian to solve it " The deep booming voice from behind me sends shivers down my spine.

He struts his way over and sits on the chair just in front of me. The centre table between us.

I lift up my eyes to find his dark stormy eyes staring at me. As soon as our eyes meet, a jolt of warm fuzziness courses through me.

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