12. The War of Emotions

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I pick up a chocolate muffin and give it a bite, the thick gooey layers melt in the crevices of my mouth giving utter happiness.

"Ummmm " I moan and keep on devouring the pieces of heaven

Strawberry, butterscotch, blueberries, red velvet ,there is not a single flavour of pastry or muffin which isn't present there.

He bought all these for me.

Felicity strums through my entire being.

I collect the roses and arrange them in the vases properly.

A huge smile blooms on my face.

He noticed that I was admiring them.

Does he observe everything about me!

I lie on the bed with one of the roses and give it a deep whiff.
A rush of zing fills me and I simper like a cheshire cat.

Am I blushing

Ohh hell yeah. I am

There's a strange fluttering sensation in my stomach, my heart races as I nuzzle the rose. Butterflies dance in my belly. A feeling so beautiful, so serene radiates from the kernel to my entire being.

Ufff calm down, I pat over my chest.

Why is this man always messing up with my heart rhythms.

Whenever he is not close I yearn for him. A strange longing cascades through my body.

What have you done to me Grouch !

But wait, I don't know much about him. His background, his past life, I have no idea about any of it.

Let me do a little stalking.

I take out my laptop and type his name.


And The results nearly bulge out my eyes. They are filled with his stellar accomplishments.
He has completed his Ph.D from Max Plank Institute of Astrophysics,
Oh my god that's the best university in the world.
He has also done his Post Doctoral from another best institute.

Numerous articles pop up on his name. He has got some of the best patents of the world under his name.
The amount of contribution he has done towards the field of Physics especially Cosmology and Astrophysics is on whole another level.

Prizes, Awards, Accolades, Degrees, Certificates is adorned all over his name. He's acknowledged globally for his groundbreaking research and his newfangled bequests.

Dr Riddhimaan Dev Oberoi, the most influencial Astrophysicist of modern era

The best scientist in the world of Physics.

Quantum Obsession | 18+Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora