"Pack your stuff. Let's get out of town. Now." Sam said. 

"No breakfast?" Dean asked.

"No breakfast." Sam confirmed.

"Breakfast is dumb." I stated, leaning up to kiss him again.

Dean moved a hand up to cup my jaw. "You keep kissing me like that, you can convince of anything." He joked, brushing his thumb along my cheek. 

"I love you." I whispered. 


I just finished packing my bag when a gunshot was heard outside. 

"No." I ran for the door, stepping out into the rain to see Cal running away as Dean lie bleeding by the car. 

I dropped to my knees beside him, drawing him into my arms as Sam joined me. "No. No. Please, please." I sobbed, hands shaking uncontrollably.

"Not today. Not today." Sam said. "This isn't supposed to happen today. Come on." 

Dean lay limp in my arms. 

I shut my eyes tightly, tears slipping down my cheeks as I waited to wake up. I need to wake up. I have to wake up. 

Six Months Later

I sat in the car, staring out of the windshield. Lady was curled up in the passenger seat. The rain was pouring, hitting the glass and sliding right off. It'd been three months since I last heard from Sam.

Bobby said he hadn't heard from him either. 

I took a deep breath, keeping the tears at bay as I rested my head against the steering wheel. I wanted to scream, to kill that stupid Trickster, to beg for him to give Dean back. 

My chest was heavy as if a ton of bricks had been laid on my lungs and heart, making it hard to breathe. 

Evie babbled to herself in the backseat. I had to keep my head clear. For her. 

My phone rang.

"Hello?" I answered after grabbing it. 

"I called Sam." Bobby told me. "Saige, I found him."


I walked into the Mystery Spot, the damn place this all started, to see Bobby standing in front of Sam. His eyes fell on me. Bobby moved forward, pulling me into a hug. 

"It's good to see you." He said. "Where's Eve?"

"Sleeping in the car." I mumbled. 

"What are we doing here, Bobby?" Sam asked, voice monotone.

"Well, this is the last place we're sure the Trickster worked his magic." Bobby explained. 


"So you want this thing? I found a summoning ritual to bring the Trickster here." Bobby moved to the small setup on the floor. 

"What do we need?" Sam asked.

"Blood." Bobby stated. 

"How much blood?"

"Ritual says near a gallon. And it's gotta be fresh too."

"That'll kill a person." I spoke up, arms crossed over my chest. 

"And it's gotta be tonight, or not for another 50 years." Bobby continued. 

"Then let's go get some." Sam turned for the door.

I caught his arm, not meeting his eyes as I whispered the words that felt like poison on my tongue. "He...Dean wouldn't want us to kill an innocent person."

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