Mission Failure?

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Heads down, backpack up. Make eye contact with no one. Steady, falling down will draw attention to you. Watch out, jocks on your right. Mayday, mayday, cheerleaders twelve o'clock! Abort mission abort mission!

Freedom to my ten. Janitors closet, perfect escape. Good close the door, HOLY COW WATER that's nasty. Freeze, crap they saw you. EW, did she just smile, Where's your dignity?! I mean you're naked!

SON OF A MOTHERLESS GOAT that's Ryan Williams, the schools player and the hottest guy I've ever seen. Freak, he probably thinks I'm a freak! God I'm a horrible person. Close eyes, apologize, and leave room quickly.

Ow! Idiot, open your eyes! You just ran into the schools rebel, congratulations Stupid, you've planned your own funeral. Population; Zero. Freeze, calm down, he can smell fear.

God everyone's looking, I'm a big Idiot. They're thinking about how fat and ugly I am, how I'm a failure to this universe. Oh, they're gonna tease me for this.

Don't cry dumbass, you're gonna make it worse. Okay, remember the emergency rules for this situation. Head down, no eye contact, no tears, stand up... Dammit you fell again. Great now people are laughing and they're thinking of how big an idiot I am.

Stand, slowly, slowly, good. Push up glasses, head down, good your not a complete idiot. Now apologize, no stuttering, and walk away quickly. YOU RETARDED DONKEY you stuttered. Goodbye cruel world. End the torture already.

God everyone hates me. Wait, wait, that's my name they're calling. No, pretend like you can't hear them, its a trick. Nobody knows your name and when they do its for a prank. Why the fuck did you turn around. Might as well bury your own grave, why don't ya?

He's gonna beat me up. That's why the bad boy Dylan Called you, nothing Important. Take it looks a boss. Crap u flinched, everyone must hate me. I'm not good enough for everyone.

Whoa, he just said he'll walk you to class. Don't ask questions, just run. I'm your conscience for a reason, IT'S NOT SO YOU IGNORE ME! I said walk away, you walk forward. I say don't ask, you say why!

Oh...he wants too. That could've been a disaster. Okay, go along, he's cute. But be aware. God, at least he doesn't hate me. But what if he does, what if im too ugly, what if this is all just a prank.

God, fuck you anxiety.

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