(Lancelot grips his hands and wanted to head towards King Mark, but Merlin stop him) 


We'll see who's the one being laughed at the end of your defeat, Cornwall. 

(Merlin and Lancelot both turns around smiles to see Elaine, and the crowd cheers for her) 

Merlin: Ah, just in time young squire! We were beginning to worry 

Tristan: Oh you know, doing our best to come 

(King Mark turns around surprised to see Elaine showing up. The team cheered and clapped for Elaine, until suddenly a loud sound was being blown by the horn) 


Heer yee! Heer yee! After centuries, our Kingdom has been divided, but now we are very happy to see all of you here, to join us and witness a never- rarely seen battle. Fair maidens and Knights, we give you the Pyrolyx! 

(Crowds were a bit concerned but started cheering, Elaine was examining the crowd and she sees that there were a lot of people) 


 In this trial, there are two possible outcomes: One will succeed in winning the trial and take the throne, while the other, faces death as a failure. Now please let me explain the rules Here who has challenged the King shall go through a number of trials.


Number of trials? What does he mean by that- I thought there was only one


Remember this is a championship game Elaine, this is why I was worried about you and your training. In the Pyrolyx, it's like a punishment for anyone who has challenged the King, but on the other side. You won't be doing it alone, King Mark has to face most trials too

Elaine: It just starts to get better and better doesn't it? 

The Announcer: 

First trial of the Pyrolyx, each contestant may chose their team members to join in on the battle field. Once I throw the ball on the field, the two teams must throw this orbital spheres at each other to try and knock off from the water 


Elaine, surely you had enough time to train for this?

Elaine: Oh, actually I uhm


My apologies Merlin, it was not Elaine's fault but mine. I didn't give her enough time training yesterday which is why Elaine is feeling a bit anxious, due to the King's orders for the last minute jousting tournament


Last minute jousting tournament?! What- Don't you not know how big of a deal this trial really is?! Of course the late last minute tournament 

Tristan: Merlin, what do you mean? 


Clearly King Mark wants the throne for himself, which is why he knows Elaine is weak on the first day

Elaine: Excuse me- weak??-


He knows that Lancelot has been training you, which is obviously why he hosted the tournament, to delay you from your training!! I was up all night trying to find a solution to figure out a way to get rid of the poison, but now that the trial is happening, It's going to get more riskier...


Contestants, please chose your team members and stand forward on those rocks

(Merlin couldn't play because of his magics, Elaine choses Sir Lancelot and Tristan to be on her team and King Mark choses his team members. The two opponents step forward on the rocks) 

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