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{Ꮽ𐒜ᎴᎿ ᎿⲄ𐒜ᎴᎿ 𐒄𐒢,𐒍𐒀𐒜'ᏓᏓ 𐒈𐒢 ӺᎥ𐒐𐒢}
<i ﺎ ﺎ ᴜ 𝘀 i 𝓸 𝔫>

Elyna never thought that the station tapops was so far away,she doesn't know how long she has been reading her novel in her room but she already felt boring

Maybe she could play something with her friends so she went out of her room and went to the control room

As she made her way to the room suddenly she noticed at the front were boboiboy and gopal running and it looks like they were panicking

"Wait,you guys what happened?" She asked confusedly

"The station tapops have been attacked!" Gopal answered panicly

Elyna eyes widened in shocked at this "What!?are you serious?"

Boboiboy nodded "yes we just got a message from tapops earlier and now commander order us to take ochobot"

"Then let's go!"

The three of them quickly went to the power sphera room and got ochobot,as soon as they brought Ochobot in the control room kokoci ordered him to open a portal which Ochobot quickly obeyed

With a blink of eyes,they were now at the station tapops but the station tapops was really dark,it's almost looks like an abandoned station and it's made elyna kind of scared

Kokoci quickly landed the ship inside the station to investigate

"You three follow me!" Kokoci gestured to fang,boboiboy and gopal

Then he turned to the girls and ochobot
"You guys watch the ship"

Everyone agreed well except for one person

"What!?but i want to go in there too!" Elyna denied

Fang shook his head "No you need to stay here,we don't know what's in there,it could be dangerous"

Yet elyna didn't cared as she glared at fang "so?i can protect myself!"

Fang sighed "that's why you need to stay here,you know this station well so if anything happens in there you can lead others to us,don't worry i'll call you if anything happens"

It was silent as elyna just stared at fang while the others watched them awkwardly except for kokoci as he already used to this

Elyna sighed "Fine,you better call me quickly if anything happens and be careful,don't do anything stupid"

Fang smirked at this "just trust your awesome and handsome brother"

Elyna playfully rolled her eyes at this

After that the boys started to enter the station,usually elyna will not be so worried but now she couldn't help but felt anxious as she kept walking right and left repeatedly

The others glanced at each others in concerned at this

"Are you okay,el?" Yaya asked worriedly

Elyna stopped walking and gave them a small smile "sorry,I don't know why i feel so worry about them,it feel like something will happen in there" elyna muttered worriedly as she stared at the station

Yaya slowly put her hands on elyna shoulder and offered her a smile
"Don't worry el,i'm sure the others will be okay" she said reassuringly

Elyna smiled softly at this "i hope so"

Just then papa zola finally woke up and was confused where the boys were,Ying told him that they already arrived at the station tapops which made him really surprised

"Why didn't you wake me up earlier?"

Ying sighed at this "we already tried but you slept like a dead"

"There's no wasting time,we need to get in now!"

Papa zola was about to enter the station but after looking at how scary the station was,he quickly change his mind while the others sweatdroped at this

"How about we watch tv now?" He laughed nervously

"Where is the remote" he push one of the buttons and suddenly the message they receive earlier appeared

That's when Yaya and elyna noticed something weird,they reverse the video and their eyes widened when they noticed someone suspicious in the video

Just then kokoci suddenly appeared on the screen and it looks like he were in hurry


"What happened commander?" Elyna asked anxiously

Suddenly gopal pushed kokoci away

"There's clown that can turn people into cards" gopal replied panicly

Papa zola seems to not take this serious as he laughed at this "turning into a card?can it turn into card credit?"

The girls looked at him blankly while papa zola chuckled awkwardly at this

"What?i was just asking?"

Suddenly gopal and commander dissepeared,they all glanced in worried at this and nodded

"Let's go!"

Then they quickly made their way into the station,elyna was leading them inside the station when suddenly they noticed from afar was the boys who getting chased by a joker with cards in his hand

Ying quickly used her power and saved them,the boys were shocked when they saw them

"What are you guys doing here?" Gopal asked shockingly

Ying rolled her eyes "to save you guys of course"

Suddenly the joker appeared in front of them and honestly he looked kind of crazy,he kept talking how he want power so much

He threw the card and the others tried to run but unfortunately they got caught in the card,leaving only papa zola and commander kokoci that's survived

After that papa zola tricked the joker to have a card duel and he used boboiboy and his friends card to fight them

(I'm too lazy to write the scene fight,so you guys can imagine it yourself)

λ𐒈𐒀𐒜Ꮏ 𐒢Ꮣ𐒍𐒐λ Ꮅ𐒀Ꮚ𐒢Ⲅ:
》iﺎﺎᴜ𝘀i𝓸𝔫 ⍴𝓸𝒘𝓮r 𝗍𝙝𝕒𝗍 𝑐𝓸m𝓮 fr𝓸m 𝙝𝓮r 𝒘𝕒𝗍𝑐𝙝
》𝙝𝕒𝘀 𝕒 f𝓸x m𝕒𝘀𝓴 𝗍𝙝𝕒𝗍 𝑐𝓸ᴜﺎ𝐝 𝗍ᴜr𝔫 𝙝𝓮r i𝔫𝗍𝓸 i𝔫𝛎i𝘀i𝘣ﺎ𝓮
》𝙝𝕒𝘀 𝕒 𝘀𝗍𝕒ff 𝗍𝙝𝕒𝗍 𝑐𝓸ᴜﺎ𝐝 𝗍ᴜr𝔫 i𝔫𝗍𝓸 ﺎ𝕒𝘀𝘀𝓸 ⍴ﺎᴜ𝘀 𝑐𝕒𝔫 𝑐𝙝𝕒𝔫𝓰𝓮 i𝔫𝗍𝓸  𝘣ﺎ𝕒𝐝𝓮 𝓸r 𝘣𝓸𝒘
> 𝘀i𝔫𝑐𝓮 𝙝𝓮r 𝘣𝓸𝐝ỿ i𝘀 𝘀m𝕒ﺎﺎ 𝕒𝔫𝐝 ﺎi𝓰𝙝𝗍,𝘀𝙝𝓮 𝑐𝕒𝔫 rᴜ𝔫 r𝓮𝕒ﺎﺎỿ f𝕒𝘀𝗍

> 𝑐𝕒𝔫'𝗍 ᴜ𝘀𝓮 𝙝𝓮r f𝓸x m𝕒𝘀𝓴 𝗍𝓸𝓸 ﺎ𝓸𝔫𝓰 𝘀i𝔫𝑐𝓮 i𝗍 𝒘iﺎﺎ 𝗍𝕒𝓴𝓮 𝘀𝓸m𝓮 𝓸f 𝙝𝓮r 𝓮𝔫𝓮r𝓰ỿ
>𝙝𝕒𝘀 𝕒 𝒘𝓮𝕒𝓴 𝘣𝓸𝐝ỿ
>𝐝𝓸𝓮𝘀𝔫'𝗍 m𝕒𝘀𝗍𝓮r 𝙝𝓮r fᴜﺎﺎ iﺎﺎᴜ𝘀i𝓸𝔫 ⍴𝓸𝒘𝓮r ỿ𝓮𝗍


If you're wondering how much star she has on her card,it was 4

√Ꭵ Ꮣ Ꮣ 𐒜 Ꮄ Ꭵ 𐒀 𐒐√ [вσвσιвσу gαℓαχу]Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang