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<i ﺎ ﺎ ᴜ 𝘀 i 𝓸 𝔫>

Sometimes Elyna wondered why everything she has been planned not going well instead it went really horrible

She planned to take the power sphera alone to the station tapops, shocking everyone with her achievement.

Yet here she was in front of commander kokoci who glared at her,I mean she does have the power sphera but it was the wrong time she was not at the station Tapops or even made everyone surprised but instead an angry commander in front of her

Yeah,elyna really needs to stop planning anything

Everyone else has gone out after they settled the misunderstanding and left her alone with him

After a while of being silent,kokoci let out a sigh "you know what you did was wrong,right?"

Elyna smiled awkwardly at him "Yeah I know but at least we got the power sphera,although I was planning to get it all alone...." She muttered the last part

Kokoci was getting angrier at this as she didn't take this seriously "Do you know how much worry you cause at the station tapops!!?" He shouted

Oh god.....for someone who has a small body,he really shouted loud,elyna thought while sweatdropped at this

"Everyone has been searching for you!" He added as elyna gulped at this,she never thought everyone would be that worried because of her disappeared

Elyna sighed at this "I'm sorry commander,I'll not do it again"

Kokoci sighed at this "Don't said that to me but to him"

Elyna was confused at first but then out of nowhere a hologram of kaizo appeared in front of her and that was enough to make her heart beat fast anxiously

Kaizo was crossing his arms over his chest as he glared angrily at Elyna while she kept avoiding his gaze

It looks like he'll not speak any soon now so looks like she needs to speak first because she doesn't want to die because of his gaze

Elyna sighed as she made eye contact with him "I'm sorry captain"

His glared hardened "You do know your action was stupid,right?can't you just wait?What if you get hurt?"

"But I'm not!" She snapped making kaizo's eyes slightly widened

She glared at him "I'm fine,right?and i do complete the mission,so can't you just trust me to do any mission in Tapops?"

He stayed silent as he watched her

"Please captain, I'm tired of waiting,you know i have been training all my life for this so can't you just trust me this once?" She begged

"You said to wait for my time,right?then I say this is the time, I'm not a little kid anymore I'm already grown up,it's so unfair that fang got to do mission but i just get stuck at the tapops"

Kaizo sighed as his eyes went slightly soft "you know the reason,right?your body-"

"Yes i know my body is weak"she cut him off

"But captain that was when I was a little kid but now i can handle it,what's the point of me joining the tapops if i can't even do any mission?"

He was silent for a while as he just looked at her blue sky eyes

Then he sighed "Commander,can I request something from you?"

Kokoci nodded "what is it,captain kaizo?"

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