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Name: Kasey Cane
Also known as: The Mastermind Revolutionary, Child of Chaos
Gender: Female
Species(?): Unknown.
Birthday: January 6th
Age: 16 (physical) 132 (literal)
Origin: Brumal (A whole different dimension)
Blood type: O-


Parents: N/A (Birth), Adam (Adoptive), Eve (Adoptive)
Siblings: 10000 unnamed children, Cain (Adoptive), Abel (Adoptive)
Love Interest: Soji Okita
Back-up: Göll
Friends: Göll, Brunhilde, Abel, Cain, Soji Okita


Alignment: Humans
Armaments: Words and a gun dubbed 'Psyche'
Combat: She is fairly trained in hand-to-hand combat due to how her earlier years went by. Her original gun training even strived from some teaching in her earlier years. But she likes to do things a different way, she prefers to play mental games with her opponents. Going through a fight like it's a game of chess. She analyses her opponent and uses their own mind against them, then, ironically enough finishes them off with 'psyche.'
Powers: She has enhanced natural capabilities and a very minor regeneration factor that helps her heal major or minor wounds faster, such as a broken bones healing in 1 week instead of 2-3 weeks. Other than that, she doesn't have any special abilities.


Appearance: An 'average' appearance is what she is described to have. A young girl, 2 pounds less than the average weight for her height. Her arms are long and skinny, same with her fingers. She has a slender face, with upturned almond eyes and downward-turned lips. Her hair is a charcoal black color edging on a dark gray in some areas. Her eyes are the same color as the dark gray highlights in her hair. Her stomach is mostly flat, with a small bump from her averagely-sized chest. Her little legs are still rather skinny but her thighs have a good amount of meat on them that they shape into small pillows when she sits. Her body is covered in mostly healed scars. But the most notable include the two bullet wounds on her right side and a burn on the back of her left shoulder.
Normal Outfit(s): Kasey wears a completely black suit under her main outfit, in fact, she doesn't like to show much of her body at all. Her face is usually covered by a sleek, black face mask made of glass. Her clothes mainly consist of a violet colored hoodie, a black turtleneck, and a pair of baggy, ripped jeans. The shoes she wears are a pair of old, worn-out white sneakers that desperately need to be replaced as the sole is almost literally splitting from the shoe.
Height: 5'2"
Weight: 102 lbs


Synopsis: Kasey is a new 'god' or a new primordial being that had just recently gained corporeal form. Or so it may seem. She had memories of another world where she was not even human there but rather was created by a team of scientists dedicated to designing a 'perfect soldier' but this and lead to the death of 10000 other inhuman child experiments. Kasey faced great hysteria after this and eventually destroyed the lab she was created in. Of course, she didn't stop there and rallied together a group of criminals that had been made by their own society. The revolution successful but Kasey didn't live to see its success after sacrificing herself for her teammates. Where she was promptly shot down on live television while acting as an innocent civilian. With her death broadcasted worldwide, the flames of revolution sparked higher than ever. To the subject at hand however, Kasey is certain all this happened but her memories are dismissed as dreams. Despite this, Kasey swears that she is not god nor human, but rather some man-made anomaly. So she was handed off to Adam and Eve as they seemed the best parents possible for whatever-the-hell this little girl actually was. She doesn't mind her new family but still has yet to grow accustomed to them.


Personality: Generally described as quiet-natured Kasey is a natural strategist. She is charismatic and intelligent, just quiet enough that people trust her more easily. She's cunning, able to lie about something perfectly without thinking twice. She likes to manipulate people on purpose to achieve good goals. Like how she started the revolution back on her own works. Underneath it all she is constantly on edge at all times, wondering what may lurk around the corner waiting to harm her. She likes contemplating the complexity of every situation she's in, reaching out for some sign that maybe that the traits of others can link her to some form of god-hood or humanity, to answer her long-asked question of what she was. She harbors guilt for being the older survivor of those labs. She has breakdowns over wondering if everything she once knew was real or not. She is something devastatingly human and all too familiar to a god. She attempts to distract herself from these quells and questions by keeping herself busy, by being around people that drag her away because a part of her hopes that those memories really were a dream and she can move on past them. She is desperate to find an answer to what she is and where she stands in the universe. But she also wants to feel normal. She wants to have a normal childhood and do silly things she couldn't do in that other world. So, she pushes down all her feelings and distracts herself even more with new friendships to hope that they may give her a purpose of simply being that will finally calm her aching soul.
Likes: snow, animals, literature, complex characters, good debates, when people like her 'evil' genius, tea
Dislikes: Needles, hospitals, feeling ill, failure, mirrors, energy drinks,
Hobbies: Reading, Analyzing characters, psychology, chess, learning, journaling

  - The irony of her gun being named Psyche simply strives from the fact psyche is another word for the human soul, mind, or spirit.
  - She struggles with body dysmorphia due to looking like her dead siblings and often refuses too look in anything that shows her reflection.

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