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(I don't know who this art belong to, but thank you for being the face and inspiration behind this character)

Name: Carmilla 'Milly' Bets
Nicknames: Milly, Car, Betsy, Miss Dapper, Betty
Age: 18
Gender: Female
Species: Demi-god
Godly parent: Tyche, Goddess of success, fortune, luck, and prosperity.

Hair: Her hair is a charcoal black, though it's peppered with some gray underneath. It's about ear length. She keeps her bangs parted out of her face. Its got a tiny amount of wave to it. She sometimes uses pomade and combs it back during especially fancy events.
Eyes: She has dark, upturned grey eyes with long lashes and a well-trimmed black eyebrows.
Skin: She has a very pale complexion with little blemishes. But her hands are rough from work and she has a natural blush across her cheeks and the back of her shoulders.
Build: A tall bean pole of a woman, standing around 6 feet and 9 inches tall. Her body has sharp features all over. Her arms and legs are slim and her chest is fairly flat. With long, lanky yet elegant fingers.

Clothes: Her everyday clothes consist mostly of white dress shirts, vests, dress pants, oxfords or boot-esc heels, ties, blazers, corsets
Accessories: leather or lace gloves, simple silver rings, her golden pocket watch
Formal: Her formal wear is basically the same as her everyday wear.
Uniform: The exact same as her everyday wear.

Family: She never met any of her family other than her mortal mother, Alisa Bets. (Her mother worked as a croupier at a Casino in New Orleans where she met her literal god-mother Tyche who was doing some gambling.) Her relationship with her mortal mother is a strong one and she loves her dearly. And Tyche is actually a pretty good parent compared to most other gods (my headcannon) because she naturally gives her children prosperous, lucky lives and doesn't have to many affairs so she can claim them all pretty easily. In fact, she sponsored and founded the hotel Carmilla now owns as a gift for her daughter.
Friends: Cherry and Terry (the front desk receptionists at the hotel), Her staff, Thalia Grace, Piper McLean
Enemies: Clarisse la Rue or any children of Ares, anyone who makes a major disturbance in her casino
Lovers: Lester Papadopoulos/Apollo (She thinks he's absolutely pathetic and, man, she is a sucker for that)

Strengths: Charisma is off the charts, can talks super fast and people will still understand what she's saying, too smooth, cares about all her staff and customers, managing business and finances
Flaws: Can come across as flirtatious even when she's not trying to be, has a problem with constantly staying in people-pleaser/customer service mode, can and will manipulate someone using her skills
Likes: Lucky Clovers, Italian Suites, French Perfume, Gambling, Jazz, Dior, making sure her guests are happen just, her pocket watch, romance even if it's cheesy, deli meats
Dislikes: Crumble Cheeses, over-cooked steaks, when people play a game without understanding the rules, bad customers, when people don't tip servers who deserve good tips, snobs
Hobbies: Pool, Card Games, tasting wine, making charcuterie boards, shopping for new suits, managing her Hotel and Casino, anything normally considered house chores
Fears: Loosing her casino and Hotel, everything she worked for crumbling to the ground, that all she accomplished had just been because of her good luck and no skill, The Lotus Casino, failure (if that isn't obvious)

Weapon: Tyche gifted her a deck of invincible 'golden' playing cards which can cut through anything; those cards can also change into poker chips, pool stick, dice, or a billard ball. She also stays strapped with a black gun loaded with celestial bronze bullets.
Powers: Tychokinesis; Have incredible luck; natural gamblers
Quests: The only quest she went on was to actually get the her weapon from Tyche and to do that she had to win a gambling tournament where you bet in souls.
Fatal flaw: Her Loyalty to her casino and the fear of losing it
Camp: Used to be Camp Half-blood but then left to take care of her hotel which now is a safe space for Half-Bloods

- She had a pretty average life, granted, she was bullied and outcasted like many other half-bloods but she actually had a pretty decent life. Her mom worked at a job that paid well and they were around middle-middle class.
- She got sent to half-blood when she was 12 after she was found by a Satyr. She stayed there for 2 years and was claimed towards the end of her first after she won a bet with some Ares kids that ended with their whole cabin's doing the Hermes Cabin Chores for three weeks.
- The next year she was sent on a quest by her mother where she competed in a giant gambling tournament that used souls as betting wagers. She won and got her weapons.
- After that, Tyche took her from camp Half-Blood and placed her in charge of her hotel, Le Trèfle Porte-Bonhuer, or The Lucky Clover. From then on, she spent the rest of her time in the casino and hotel. Creating a safe haven for any Half-bloods who passed through New Orleans at the right time and 'just so happened' to stumble upon it.

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