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Name: Kenji Koruto
Gender: Nonbinary Male (He/They)
Age: 17
Sexual Orientation: Prefers to not be labeled / Doesn't have one
Occupation: Hero in training ; UA student
Height: 6'1"
Weight: 137 lbs
Hair Color: Blond
Hair Type: Curly
Eye Color: (Left) Yellowish-beige (Right) light brown
Skin Color: Olive
Nationality: Korean
School: UA
Year: Second Year
Distinguishing Features: The Red Triangles underneath his eyes and the one of his forehead
Hero Profile
Hero Name: Cupid

Name: Kenji KorutoGender: Nonbinary Male (He/They)Age: 17Sexual Orientation: Prefers to not be labeled / Doesn't have oneOccupation: Hero in training ; UA studentHeight: 6'1"Weight: 137 lbsHair Color: BlondHair Type: CurlyEye Color: (Left) Yellowi...

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Quirk: Tough Love
Weapons: Two black heart shaped guns he keeps on his belt (just in case).
Gadgets/Tech: Visor / Glasses that enhance his aim and eyesight, Gloves to help ease the burn after shooting his arrows.
Likes: Sweets, weird earrings / jewelry, homemade gifts, cheese, bunny's, animal videos, horror movies
Dislikes: being asked to play matchmaker, coffee, gum thats supposed to make your teeth whiter, things that are unexpectedly sour, the taste of re-frozen melted ice cream
Habits: Picking at his nails, wiping hands on pants when nervous, being unintentionally clingy, Apologizing even when its not his fault, being louder when happy.
Hobbies: Baking, DIY-ing, writing love poems for anyone he could think of, collecting stamps, dancing, playing video games, gymnastics.
Fears: Moose (he admires them, from a distance), that one day a carnival ride will break with him on it, Explosives, undersea caves
- Parents : Rika (Mom) Junichiro (Dad) Oda (Step-Dad)
- Siblings : Enmei (Y. Brother) Megumi (Y. Sister)
Romantic Interests: Ojiro Mashiro, Sen Kaibara
Allies: UA, UA students, Class 1-A, Class 2-A
Rivals: Mawata Fuwa
Enemies: League of Villains, All for one, Villains in general
Physical Weaknesses: He's very flexible and has high stamina, but his strength could use more work. This is especially so for his arms as his legs are a lot stronger. (Its why he took up gymnastics, to work out all of his body.)
Mental/Emotional Weaknesses: His birth parents failing marriage, his mom, siblings, just anything with his family hits close to home.
Name of your quirk: Tough Love
Description: He can make anyone or anything fall in love with him, another person, or thing. So long as he can see them and fire his 'love arrows' So long as it has a form of consciousness. Then once their in love he can cause the person / thing physical or mental pain. By either making them / it let down its guard so he can cause damage. Or so he can get inside their head and manipulate them. He can also see 'The strings on love"
Strength: Long Range Combat, stealth, emotionally weak / unsuspecting opponents,
Weaknesses: Short Range Combat, out of sight opponents, incredibly self aware opponents
What age did you obtain it: 12
How did you obtain it: He got his quirk when his mother divorced his father. He wanted to find someone that was great for his mother and would treat her right. From sheer determination he set her up on a date with a man who owned a coffee shop with help from his siblings. He got his marks then and was able to see the red strings that tied their fate together.
Drawbacks: Soreness and burning sensation in arms if to many arrows are fired. He can only use his quirk on people / things in his eyesight. He can only cancel the effects of his quirk when he cuts the strings he created. This process can be quite complicated and the effects can be lasting even after he's cut them.

String Codes :
Red - Eros / Romantic Love
Pink - Ludus / Playful Love
Orange  - Storge / Familial Love
Purple - Pragma / Love that lasts
Dark Blue - Mania / All-Consuming Love
Light Blue - Philautia / Self Love
Green - Philia / Love between Friends

How he cuts them: The only ways he can cut the strings is he tells the person he doesn't reciprocate their feelings or firing a second arrow that cancels out the effect of the other.

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