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Name : Amir Gardner
Gender : Male
Race : Teoran
Sexuality : Omnisexual (Polyamorous)

— [ Physical Appearance ] —

Height: 6'2
Eye color: Light brown
Skin color: Tan
Distinguishing features: a soft path of multicolored 'moss' grows over his burn scar in several area (the most notable is his face) ; he wears a lot of jewelry
Build of body: He's broader than most with think. And though he had muscle he isn't the most built. He's body is average one could say. Long elegant limbs make him a fantastic dancing partner.
Hair Color : Light Green
Hair style: It shorter in the back, with messily parted bangs. Two longer strands frame his face.
Complexion: Its clear but dirty, dotted with sunspots, freckles, and birthmarks.
Posture: His posture is usually relaxed, though he doesn't slouch he'd always standing tall. (Says it will make his back hurt even more.)
Piercings: simple piercings for his earrings, and he has corset piercings on his back usually tied with a green ribbon.
Typical clothing: A short beige tank top that been cut in half, showing off the belly chains he wears. His baggy beige pants and baggy beige jacket go hand in hand. Golden bracelets and bands line his arms. He wears no shoes. Instead he wraps green cloth or bandages around them if required. His ankles are also decorated with jewelry.

— [ Personality] —

Like: Plants, Animals, parties, alcohol, fresh bread
Dislikes: Being the selected-sober one (he takes this role seriously though) , boring rituals , artifical flavors / scents , using planet harming chemicals to ' help ' plants grow
Fears: Accidentally poisoning or drugging someone on accident ; one of his friends getting swallowed by his giant pirahna plant ; running out of booze
Personal goals: to find a new type of plant ; try a sip of every wine he can have in his hands ;
General attitude: ( Dionysus + Demeter Lovechild ) He's your average hippie kind of man with a tad bit of Dionysian spice. He isn't strict about his religion or crude about it but he does take it seriously. A vagabond.
Religious values: He's part of a 'cult' the revolves around the plant and its natural cycle. Taking care of it and while truly making the most of its opportunities. Though its also about the human condition and breaking away from a mundane society. Being as free-willed as the world around you is a beautiful thing.

— [ History ] —

Birth Place: Somewhere between the kingdom and a nearby Swampland
Childhood/ History: Raised on the road he traveled with his parents and fellow 'cultists' he doesn't have many memories of being young other than the taste of first sip of wine and the sparkle of a bonfire. His parents and others dancing around it while he was held by his grandmother. Constantly traveling he had many friends all over the place plus the ones with his group. The people in his group came from all over, sometimes they'd run into another group and have a big party together. Some would even go off on their own. What a lovely nomadic life it was. That is to say his tribe didn't have their flaws. Sometimes the parties were very extreme, sometimes people took advantage of their religion, sometimes fakers got injured. Sometimes, it was best to never let the wilder parties be seen by outsiders.

— [ Combat ] —

Peaceful or violent: Peaceful, but capable of great violence
Element : Nature / Earth
Powers : Nature Manipulation, Plant Communication, Season-based Magic, Nature Magic, Botany Mastery, Earth Communication, can see someones life force / soul, healing, potions
Weapon : An enchanted doll that becomes a large golem can fight for him and use his powers.
Style of fighting: He fights with his powers in most cases. His doll is just a last resort if he's too injured or too tired to continue battling.

— [ Other ] —

Occupation: None, he dances and uses his magic to make cash though.
Favourite types of food: Sandwiches, cheese, freshly made bread, eggs
Favourite types of drink: Dandelion Wine, Booze in general
Hobbies/past times: Cooking, Dancing, foraging, home-making things, thrifting
Guilty pleasures: Wine and good cheeses, partying, hamburgers, goat soaps
Favourite colours: Green, Beige

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