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Name: Leon Tani
Age: Pre shippūden-15 ; Shippūden- 18
Species: Human
Gender: Female
Sexual Orientation: Pansexual Demisexual
Blood Type: C+
Birthday: June 21st
Personality: Leon is a wondering soul who never settles, her family had been on the road long before her birth. She's very free spirited and open minded. Though her mind is sprinkled with bits of anxiety. She in not perfect, she not useless, she is human. And she is very content with that fact.
Good Trait(s): Open minded, a good listener, comedic, trying her hardest 24/7, is the best unlicensed therapist.
Bad Trait(s): Overly sarcastic, tries to hard, uses humor to cope sometimes, (really bad dad jokes TM,) says mean things (she doesn't mean them), roughhousing is how she shows effection
Like(s): Cats, Meats, the sun, space, stars, moon, anything to with the sky really, midnight swims,
Dislike(s): Dogs, unseasoned / uncooked veggies, getting her scarf dirty, getting sand in places sand should not be, losing her jewelry
Hobby(ies): Craft making, training, cooking, woodworking, walking / hiking, collecting
Fear(s): Being Alone, accidents, getting sick, drowning
Strength(s): Hand to Hand combat, open space combat, area's with warmer temperatures
Weakness(es): long range Justus, non-open space combat, places with colder temperatures
Personal Quote: "Look at the sun shining, I've never felt more alive then in the desert heat!"

History: Born on the road while her clan was traveling to Sunagakure. She has no true roots. Simply a traveler between the many lands just like the rest of her clan. One day her clan was attacked by a group of a rouge ninja. Leon was protecting her little sister when an attackers hound attacked them. Leon managed to fend it off and kill it but she was left with Mental and Physical scars. From watching her clans members slaughtered to having to murder the attackers. Compared to others she knows she's had a good, if not great life. But that doesn't mean she can compress her own problems. She now travels the world by herself despite her young age. Learning new techniques, cultures, and ways of life. They call her 'The Wanderer'

Clan Info

Clan Name: Tani Clan
Symbol: The Tani Caln Symbol is a larger V with a smaller V inside of it. In the middle between them the colors of the Sky throughout the day are captured.

History: The Tani Clan is a giant moving village. Its people live wherever the road takes them. They came from a valley land in the far east. At the ever year they travel back to their homeland and pay respects to their ancestors and non traveling members. Which usually consists of new families, older people, incredibly young children. They make a living on their traveling. They are one of the richest clans to ever exist because of it. Warriors are common in the clan however. As traveling can become very dangerous. They have never settled, and to this day its clan members travel the world.

Specialty: Beast Spirit — The clans believes that everyone has a beast bound to their soul. To channel and use that animal however is a great feet. It requires a great amount of Chakra control and energy. But once a spirit can be easily invoked, it is said a next level of "spiritual enlightenment" can be achieved.


Status: The clan is fully functional and incredibly active in the world.

Clan Appearance:
-Skin Tone: Darker Skin
-Markings: None.
-Hair color(s): Brown, Black
-Eye color(s): Onyx, Dark blue,

Personal Looks and Appearance
Body Type/Looks:  She is broader and muscular
with a chubby touch with plenty of curve.
Height: 1-5'9  2-6'5
Weight: 1-135 lbs  2-145 lbs
Makeup/ Facepaint: She only wears eyeliner on a daily basis, if its a special event she'll wear some more traditional looks from her clan
Hairstyle: Curly and short with curtain bangs, as well as two longer strips that frame her face.
Accessories: Gold collar, Gold piercings, gold rings, a golden chain with jewels draped around her waist.
Scent: Pomegranate, the earth, light musk
Scars or Tattoos: A large gash on the right side of her face, a crown of roses tattooed all around her left thigh.
Jewelry and/or Piercings: Golden snake bite piercings, Golden nose ring, gold ruby-jeweled earrings

Parent(s): Tei Tani(Mother) and Jin Tani(Father)
Sibling(s): Mei Tani (Y. Sis)
Relative(s): Himata Tani(Grandpa) Circe Tani (Great-Grandma)
Best Friend(s): Kiba, Gaara, Naruto
Friend(s): Hinata,Shino, Shikamaru, Temari, Kankuro, some weird pink haired dude she met (Sasori) and his blond friend (Deidara)
Sensei(s): Tei Tani
Crush(es): That pretty pinked hair guy and his pretty blond friend )(Sasori and Deidara)
Rival(s): Neji , Gaara
Enemy(ies): The akatsuki , Orichimaru


Food(s): Spicy Seafood (Tomahawk steak is her 2nd)
Drink(s): Dandelion Wine
Color(s): Red , Gold
Season(s): Spring / Summer
Time of Day: Early Morning
Weather: Clear and Sunny
Flower: Daisys (Sunflowers 2nd)
Animal: Big Cats

Ninja Information

Birth Village: None. She was born on the road.
Current Village: Konaha
Academy Graduation Age: 10
Chūnin Promotion Age: 12
Rank: Chūnin
Ninja Status:
Sensei: Circe Tani
Nindo: "Our fires burn bright, and they may die down, but all you need to do is fuel that fiery passion again and keep it burning to push on!"
Chakra Element: Fire
Weapon(s): Kunai, Shurikan, Brass knuckles

[Post your OC's jutsu's here by name~EX.
Water Style: Water serpent
or a Kekkei Genkai....
Kekkei Genkai: Sudden Eclipse ]


1 - 5: Horrible
6 - 8: Below average
9 - 10: Average
11 - 13: Above average
14 - 16: Talented
17 - 18: Gifted

Strength in Jutsu
Ninjutsu [ninja techniques]: 15
Genjutsu [illusion techniques]: 6
Taijutsu [martial arts techniques]: 13
Kekkei Genkai [bloodline traits]: 13
Doujutsu [eye techniques]: 1
Kinjutsu [forbidden techniques]: 8
Fuuinjutsu [sealing techniques]: 8

Strength in Missions
Intelligence: 15
Wisdom: 10
Strength: 18
Agility:  10
Dexterity: 9
Stamina: 11
Constitution: 14
Charisma: 14
Chakra Control: 11
Cooperation: 9

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